Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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public-key velcro

tamperproof fastenings for kids clothing
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Laced shoes are slow to put on and slow to remove. Velcro ones are fast to put on but also fast to remove. This is an advantage for adults but with kids shoes it is too easy for them to remove them at annoying moments (such as when I have just buckled my 1-year-old into his push chair).

Using spin-off technology from the world of cryptography, public-key velcro can easily be fastened by anyone, including the child him/herself and it can easily be removed by anyone as well *except* the wearer. Result, securely atired children and relaxed parents confident in the knowledge that little Johnny will not come home from the shops with just one shoe.

This could also have applications in the field of law enforcement, it seems to me.

gravelpit, May 16 2001


       I think you'll find that the average 'little Johnny' could lose a shoe even if it was welded to his foot.
How about having a fastening which can only be operated by toes? That way he can't take his shoes off until he's taken his shoes off (although I stand by my first comment).
angel, May 16 2001

       The sick half of my brain suggests that in that case the need for velcro fastened shoes (or indeed shoes at all) will soon become less pressing.
Rodomontade, May 16 2001

       Yeah, I saw that film too Mephista but note that: a) The shoe in question was traditionally laced b) the child was well past the target age group for this product since he could be trusted not to remove his shoes recklessly c) playing on railway lines is plain stupid and I see no problem in allowing natural selection to discourage this behaviour.
gravelpit, May 16 2001

       Zip ties. The "private key" is a pair of scissors.
egnor, May 16 2001


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