Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Xenzag's scorecard
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Raw votes for last 6 months of ideas
 (+8, -1)  Tankasaurus Rex 
 (+15)  You Bought The Jumper, Now Buy The Sheep 
 (+5, -1)  Pringles Jingles 
 (+11)  Gloat Tuesday 
 (+6)  NTSC Twice Pencil 
 (+3)  Mile In A Suitcase 
 (+7)  Scratch & Suck Lottery Pen 
 (+7)  Parkrun Dawn Chorus Choir 
 (+2, -4)  Boeing 737 Max 9 Fuselage Cable Ties 
 (+3, -3)  A Pure Glass Bicycle 
 (+3, -4)  The Flug 
 (+6)  Judge's Mood Wig 
 (+3, -2)  Drowning Man Jigsaw Puzzle 
 (+7)  Badboard 
 (+2)  Siamese Balloons 
 (+6, -3)  The Opposite of Paper, Scissors, Stone 
 (+3, -3)  Isoscel-Cheese On Toast 
 (+12, -2)  Chasing Waves Up The Road 
 (+4)  Aerialbrella 
 (+3, -3)  Airport Lounge Petting Zoo 
 (+4, -5)  Zeno's Arrow of Infinity 
 (+9)  Bullet Ant Bite Vending Machine 
 (+5)  Turbo Toilet 
 (+14, -2)  A Grey Damp Day In Scunthorpe 
 (+7, -1)  Beer Keg Seat 
 (+7)  Genisays 
 (+8)  Birds Of A Feather Play Together 
 (+8, -2)  UFO Shower Head 


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