Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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ATM - No Cash

An ATM that prints it's own money
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ATM's should just be loaded with a big roll of blank money-paper. When it's time to dispense cash, the money could be printed-to-order.

This would discourage the thieves that like to steal the machines usign heavy-equipment.

In addition, the mints could be closed, saving costly federal employee salaries.

Also, money could be custom-printed to the exact denomination needed, say $1.98.

jimc, Dec 23 2003


       1. Why would it discourage thieves. Now when they steal it, they get unlimited cash.   

       2. With precise denominations, there would be 1000s of different notes(bills) in circulation. Its hard enough to spot a fake from a real note with the limited few that already exist.   

       3. Mints are not that expensive to run - they are basic printing presses with extra security. They are far cheaper than the enormous numbers of security you would need to transport all this blank note(bill) paper. A £5 note has a fixed value - the blank note paper has, in your idea, unlimited value.   

jonthegeologist, Dec 23 2003

       Can I change my three six-pound notes for an eighteen please? Sorry they're a bit smudged - they're fresh from the ATM.
dobtabulous, Dec 23 2003

       Mints are funny places. A freshly minted dollar coin costs... $2.
Detly, Dec 23 2003

       if a theif stole the whole machine with the blank bills in it couldnt he/she just hack the computer that prints the bills and print himself as many bills as he wants?
Space-Pope, Dec 23 2003

       <off_topic>Why is it called a "mint" if the don't make any mints? I think it should be called a "print"!</off_topic>   

       I'm not sure about printing cash but an ATM that prints moneyorders (after deducting the amount from my account) would be nice. With the recipients name and a note "for deposit only" on the moneyorder I would have less to worry about loosing it. Could eliminate the whole business of writing personal checks.
kbecker, Dec 23 2003

       i like [kbecker]'s idea. if they printed monay orders, then you wouldn't ahve to worry about loosing the cash, and there is hardly a place that would not take a money order.
babyhawk, Dec 24 2003

       This idea's about as bent as a three-bob note.
PeterSilly, Dec 24 2003

       This thing is getting boned harder than ... ok, its getting a lot of bones, but as a balm to poor [jimc], in my opinion it is squarely in the HB strike zone: goofy, well-intentioned, practical but impracticable. Go back to the country this idea came from and bring over a few of his brothers.
bungston, Dec 24 2003

       We have a few local Greek cuisine outposts that are like that.
Letsbuildafort, Dec 24 2003

       I agree with [kbecker] and [babyhawk] - money needs to be tied up; When you let money loose it just runs away and it's a devil of a job catching it again.
hippo, Dec 24 2003

       So what is with the frantic negativity on this one?   

       I am afraid jimc that few can really understand what you have described. but kbecker is right on the dollar. Provided your system printes money orders or some sort of negotiable chitty yours is a good idea.
KiwiJohn, Dec 26 2003

       If you're considering withdrawing a $1.98 note, presumably it's for a specific purchase. Instead of withdrawing a note to then hand straight to a retailer, why not pay the retailer directly, using some form of electronic fund transfer at point of sale?
benjamin, Dec 26 2003

       Benjamin, some countries are not yet ready for point of sale funds transfer. In other countries cash purchases other than the most trivial are almost a thing of the past.
KiwiJohn, Dec 28 2003


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