Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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"Bun is such a sad word, is it not?" -- Watt, "Waiting for Godot"

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A helping haNDE

A service that offers Near Death Experiences
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All too often we hear that people only get their priorities right after a brush with death. A Near Death Experience (NDE) is supposedly able to:

* Bring you closer to your family

* Focus your thougths on what's really important

* Put you in touch with your higher self

* Review/re-live your entire life (flashed before your eyes) in a matter of seconds

Sounds like something we could all use ..... so why not a business that offers the NDE for a nominal fee?

After you sign up and pay your money, a member of our staff pops a paper bag behind your head and you're momentarily startled.

"Gee, that was a lame waste of money." you think to yourself as you walk out the door.

Thinking that the experience is over you head back to your car [where a small team of ninja monkeys is tampering with your brakes].

P.S. Karate monkeys need not apply.

not_only_but_also, Jul 05 2004

Flatliners http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099582/
[waugsqueke, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]


       As a practitioner of the Quality arts, I was expecting to find something related to Non Destructive Examination.   

       I've heard that one cure for madness used to be flinging the afflicted off a tall cliff over the ocean. Apparently, the success rate was on par with what we can achieve today.   

       I have a friend who is in dire need of this therapy....he's currently in a downwards spiral of militant veganism and cheap vodka-holicism....so, one non-dairy croissant for you.   

       [edit] Although signing up for it yourself might be a sign you didn't need it anyway......I want to be able to sign up others for it [read extensive disclaimer freeing the service provider of all responsibility]
normzone, Jul 05 2004

       3-D tunnel vision glasses optional.   

       sounds like that sean penn / michael douglas flick, 'the game'. exactly like that.
xclamp, Jul 05 2004

       When I was having surgery when I was 16, I had an NDE brought on by all the drugs and assorted tinkering with my system that was going on. I didn't really change my life as it wasn't brought about by any real risk to my life and I think that's what would have to be ensured for this to work as promised.
oneoffdave, Jul 06 2004

       // I've heard that one cure for madness used to be flinging the afflicted off a tall cliff over the ocean. Apparently, the success rate was on par with what we can achieve today. //   

       [normzone], was the death of the patient considered as a success?
PauloSargaco, Jul 06 2004

       they weren't crazy anymore, now were they?   

       I agree that this is very much like "The Game", but you get a bun for the team of ninja monkeys bit...
luecke, Jul 06 2004


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