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Aeron Car seats

Herman Miller is my co-pilot
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I love my Aeron chair at my desk. Its very comfy. I'd REALLY love it if this were the driver's seat in my car....why couldn't it be?

Plus, the car would probably be lighter -- so there'd be better performance.

I guess I'd have to give up my bun-warmers (aka seat heaters), though.

binkley, Aug 23 2002

(??) Aeron Chairs http://www.hermanmi...201-pss1-p8,00.html
Ever seen these? Ever sit in them? Comfy!!! [binkley, Aug 23 2002, last modified Oct 21 2004]

My Car http://www.cars.com...7&yr=2000&x=13&y=12
:-) [binkley]

My (wife's) car has pretty comfy seats. http://reports.inte...93&MAKE=BMW&MODEL=7
Not as comfy/ergonomically correct as an Aeron :(

Seat failures http://www.autodefe...om/allegations.html
"The auto seat has been called the 'most important single lifesaving device available.' " [binkley, Aug 23 2002, last modified Oct 21 2004]

My (wife's) car has pretty comfy seats. http://reports.inte...93&MAKE=BMW&MODEL=7
Not as comfy/ergonomically correct as an Aeron :( [half, Aug 23 2002, last modified Oct 17 2004]

(?) Seat failures http://www.autodefe...om/allegations.html
"The auto seat has been called the 'most important single lifesaving device available.' " [half, Aug 23 2002, last modified Oct 17 2004]

Martin Baker safety systems http://www.martin-baker.co.uk/
Built for speed rather than comfort..... [8th of 7, Aug 23 2002, last modified Oct 21 2004]


       I'm all for comfort, but... // why couldn't it be? // I fear that strength and safety would be the most likely reasons.
half, Aug 23 2002

       ...and there'd be more legroom in the back seat. I think it would be strong and safe enough. Good idea.
hippo, Aug 23 2002

       I'm impressed. so much technology applied to an office chair, what a noble pursuit.   

       I note with dismay: one BMW, one Acura and 8/7 has a conservatory for his snooker table. Starting to feel outclassed!
rbl, Aug 23 2002

       In my defence, I got the snooker table for the conservatory, not the conservatory for the snooker table. It's only a half-size one, and I made a folding cover that converts it into a dining table. Seats 10.   

       The Aeron seats look good, but for a vehicle I prefer something from the Martin Baker company stable.
8th of 7, Aug 23 2002

       [rbl]: no need to feel outclassed. It's all smoke and mirrors. The BMW was not so expensive as you might think. I assure you that I have very little class.
half, Aug 23 2002

       half: We believe you.
8th of 7, Aug 23 2002

       I want a papasan car seat..
Mr Burns, Aug 23 2002

       half is completely right. No office type chair would stand up to even a low velocity crash. Probably wouldn't even stand up to some aggressive cornering and braking.   

       Maybe an electric chair would be good. It would keep the driver from falling asleep.
dag, Aug 23 2002

       send it off to volvo to sort out safety
chud, Aug 23 2002

       Another major benefit that you missed: Around the Mediterranean, summers are hot/humid! Even with the A/C at full, my back gets all sweaty. Letting the A/C flow around the chair would be a huge help.
eyal, Mar 14 2007

       //Around the Mediterranean, summers are hot/humid!//   

       Also here in the U.S. When I drive to Texas in the summer my leather seats are not nearly as pleasant they look.
Noexit, Mar 14 2007


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