Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Invented by someone French.

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Ant tracer robot

Robot watches ants and points you to their entry point
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So that you know where to block them.
pashute, Nov 02 2016


       Itty, bitty, tiny robot. YYeeeesss!!!
blissmiss, Nov 02 2016

       [+] But when the robot gets assimilated it will lead the colony to the cookie jar.
whatrock, Nov 02 2016

8th of 7, Nov 02 2016

       Maybe just bake some rfid tags into some cookies and see where they go off to?
RayfordSteele, Nov 02 2016

       I use the ants themselves for this purpose. A bottle top with some sugar and water in it will soon convince them to form a trail, and then you just follow it back to the nest.   

       Admittedly this isn't really halfbakery material!
Wrongfellow, Nov 03 2016

       //Maybe just bake some rfid tags into some cookies and see where they go off to?//   

       Maybe just HALFbake some rfid tags into some cookies and see where they go off to?
AusCan531, Nov 04 2016

       OK, so your remarks gave me an improved idea. A kit for adding fluorescence to the cookies, and that way the ant trail glows in the dark. Even if you don't get rid of them, it's cool. The only problem with this would be when your baby nephew gets to the cookies before the ants.
pashute, Nov 27 2016

       // kit for adding fluorescence to the cookies, //   

       Radium ...   

       // and that way the ant trail glows in the dark. //   

       ... and indeed the ants.   

       // Even if you don't get rid of them, it's cool. //   

       Oh, it'll get rid of them alright ... and still be cool.   

       // The only problem with this would be when your baby nephew gets to the cookies before the ants. //   

       Maybe not the only problem ...
8th of 7, Nov 27 2016


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