Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Keep snot off your arm
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Suddenly everyone knows to sneeze on their arm instead of their hands for world health reasons. Recently, I remembered fast enough to do so and my coat arm wound up with, to put it delicately, snot on it. It seems a handkerchief arm band product would be in order. Or an arm banded Kleenex dispenser.
Mustardface, May 01 2011


       //on their arm// I sneeze and cough inside my clothes, i.e. down the neck, where possible. It's even better than using a sleeve, and the results are not visible from the outside.   

       It tends to get odd looks, but I'm right, dammit.
spidermother, May 01 2011

       At least it's my snot. Depending on seasonal apparel, it's often possible to get it in between two layers.   

       I feel so much moral outrage at the idea of inflicting one's snot on another, even a tiny bit, that I'm willing to make that sacrifice.
spidermother, May 01 2011

I do the shirt thing too if I'm fast enough.
Screw the looks.

       (Laboured joke) Bobbies could do this, with few issues. Since they are expected to remain in reasonable health while on duty, a policeman's snot is not a snotty snot (snotty snot).
spidermother, May 01 2011

       That joke's too PC to be funny.
8th of 7, May 01 2011

       That's its aPeel.
spidermother, May 01 2011

       It was rather a sudden change-over. Was there some kind of massive public service announcement?
RayfordSteele, May 01 2011

       Didn't you get the email? Maybe it was snot allowed by your browser's spam settings.
Canuck, May 01 2011

       // massive public service announcement //   

       No, it was more of a blow-by-blow commentary …
8th of 7, May 01 2011

       I was a model arm sneezer with a heroic look on my face, standing proud and a trail of snot on my sleeve as evidence of my heroism.
Mustardface, May 01 2011

       Suggested category: SuperHero.
8th of 7, May 02 2011

       Clever +. (yeah, best to change categories, you are in the "crispie panties" section.
blissmiss, May 02 2011


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