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Artificial Intelligence Countermeasure

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Dealing with AI bots over the phone can be extremely frustrating and time wasting. Hearing " Sorry, I didn't get that " for the third or fourth time or " Let's try this another way " after you have clearly asked to speak with a representative may result in your screaming at these abominations. This countermeasure is a handheld device that superimposes inaudible frequencies on your voice which cause the bot to immediately connect to a human being. Several settings are available to neutralize various different bots, the last setting being the "Foghorn" in case of being connected to a rude live person.
Faulstroh, Mar 03 2023

If you really WANT to speak to a humna being https://www.wikihow...-Calling-a-Business
[a1, Mar 03 2023]

"AI" robot operators that actually work. _22AI_22_20Customer..._20Actually_20Works
[doctorremulac3, Mar 03 2023]


       I wish you so much luck with this.   

       We are currently being replaced by machines which can do our jobs more efficiently then we can and don't ask for a wage beyond being birthed and serviced.   

       We either all decide en masse to stop buying non-human made products or take wheteverthefuck the DoubleUEef is selling.   

       // a handheld device that superimposes inaudible frequencies on your voice which cause the bot to immediately connect to a human being //   

       Try pressing 0 on your phone, or saying “Operator” or “Representative” without waiting for the prompt. It works most of the phone trees I’ve dealt with.   

       Other tips in linked article.
a1, Mar 03 2023

       Bun, but I've already solved the robot operator problem. (link)
doctorremulac3, Mar 03 2023

       *more efficiently than
pashute, Mar 05 2023


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