Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Bespoke Typo Service

Add authenticity and character to your perfect, sterile document
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Send your presentation, white paper, thesis, manifesto, etc. to our expert copy editors along with the subtext you desire to have crafted. We carefully prepare and insert typographical errors into your document. Endearing misspellings, random font changes that say "I'm too important for this", inappropriate Capitializations for subtle emphasis, and more.
the porpoise, Nov 20 2016


       This idlea is Certainly Really Advantageous, [Porpoise].
MaxwellBuchanan, Nov 20 2016

       This is stupid [+]
Voice, Nov 20 2016

       //This idlea is Certainly Really Advantageous, [Porpoise].   

       Some Halfbakery In Type.
AusCan531, Nov 21 2016

FlyingToaster, Nov 21 2016

       The Derby Abbey Community News:   

       "We apologise for the error in the last edition, in which we stated that 'Mr Fred Nicolme is a Defective in the Police Force'. This was a typographical error. We meant of course that Mr Nicolme is a Detective in the Police Farce."
not_morrison_rm, Nov 21 2016

       Just remember I invented"awfuk"!
po, Nov 22 2016

       Who cloud forget?
MaxwellBuchanan, Nov 22 2016


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