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Blank ID Cards

Because you already know who you are!
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One thing that is evident when it comes to identity theft is that when someone steals your wallet or purse, they have access to your identity. This can be even more prevalent when the thief remotely resembles you and uses your driver's license for identity verification.

In 2012 I think that the biggest flaw that we have in protecting someone's identity is that the name, address and picture is right on the driver's license and the name is on every single credit card and bank card. While this may seem like a good way of determining who the card belongs to, that information is only useful to thieves.

So I propose having completely blank credit cards and ID cards that's either embedded with a smart chip or they have a QR tag printed on it so that way a merchant or government official can see your name and photo on their computer screen at the time the card is swiped.

Maybe the card could have a 4 digit number or some sort of design or logo printed on it so that way you can identify the card as being your own vs. another family member.

That way if someone steals your cards, they would have to know who they stole it from to even being stealing from you.

Jscotty, Aug 28 2012


       What if you had an RFID chip implanted in you, and the card would only show your information if you were very close by?
DIYMatt, Aug 28 2012

       Completely foolproof, unless the thief had a card reader, or a new Android phone with NFC capability able to read ISO14443 smart cards.
hippo, Aug 28 2012

       // a 4 digit number or some sort of design or logo //   

       Any picture that you've taken yourself; your pet, your desk at work, your left knee - as long as it's unique and only something you would know, and also won't infringe public decency.
8th of 7, Aug 28 2012

       The name of the owner should not be included in or on the card in any form. When you buy something, you tell your name to the store and they snap a photo of your face (since you no longer carry photo ID). This is sent along with your credit card number. If it doesn't all match, the transaction is refused. A similar transaction occurs during a traffic stop. If you are found dead, the police find your license (with number)and look up your name and picture from the database.   

       Note: For security purposes, it is recomended that you change your name every 30 days. Your new name must be at least 12 characters long (not including spaces), must contain between one and four spaces, at least one numeral, and one non-alphanumeric character (excluding periods after abreviations such as Jr.). You cannot re-use a name that you have used before. Do not use the same name on multiple credit cards. If you forget your name, please call our helpfull call center, where, if you can provide your mother's maiden name, they will give you a new temporary name which you can use to assign yourself a new name.   

       Payment for all facial cosmetic surgery must be made in advance.
scad mientist, Aug 28 2012

       //and also won't infringe public decency.   

       Awww, now you tell me! I've already been to Tescos twice and they all point and laugh..   

       //Your new name must be at least 12 characters long (not including spaces), must contain between one and four spaces, at least one numeral, and one non-alphanumeric character...   

       Aha, sounds like one more use for that steggi.jp thing   

       //Payment for all facial cosmetic surgery must be made in advance.   

       The old Emo Phillips joke "I lent my friend $10,000 for plastic surgery and now I don't know what she looks like".
not_morrison_rm, Aug 29 2012

       Or maybe the governments should catch up, and make id with two factor authentication like every other important card already has.
bob, Aug 29 2012

       // governments //   

       Sp. "Behind the curve"
8th of 7, Aug 29 2012

       //QR tag printed on it ... could have a 4 digit number or some sort of design or logo printed on it//   

       So, not actually blank at all then?
pocmloc, Aug 29 2012


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