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Dolphin Airship Raimbow
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Dolphin : it's going up and down to move. Airship : that's it. Raimbow : appears with sun after lift off, as you'll see.

The principe is very simple: to travel in the air by the kinetic energy of the potential rain collided.

1) - lift off

2) - make your choise : north, west, south, east...

3) - climb to the clounds (little ones or cloundy sky, depending on the weather)

4) - as soon as you collided one, open the clound net.

5) - in short time keep maximum water in the plane tank fixed under the clound net.

6) - by this new weight, your lenticular goes down, quickly.

7) - close the clound net to speed your airship.

8) - make your choise : north, west, south, east...

9) - arrived at 300 feet over the sea level, quickly open the tank : don't forget to free water!

10) - return to point 1).

This DOLLAR can be used to provide water on deserts. And also : to travel, anywhere.

simi, Nov 09 2002

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       You lost me at step one. What powers the lift-off?
snarfyguy, Nov 09 2002

       Hmm, all I'm getting is a fast busy signal.   

       Also, 'lenticular" means lens shaped.
bristolz, Nov 09 2002

       SPACEcraft? Let's try airship - if you think airoplane would be better suited, simi, feel free to recategorise it yourself.
yamahito, Nov 09 2002

       I had a pertinent comment...something about CATS and all your base belonging to someone? can't seem to remember it now though.
Zircon, Nov 11 2002

       Was this placed in babelfish before posting? Maybe a drawing would help us all in deciphering.   

       So it's an airship, I think, that propels itself forwards by catching and then redirecting rain somehow. Is that anywhere close?   

       Job posting: part-time gobbledegook translator. Must speak fluent gobbledegook. Inquire within...   


       Dolphin: Its every one moves. Airship: Good Raimbow: Will appear later launches with the sun, because you will see. This principe extremely simple: The travel collides in the air by the latent rain movement energy. 1) - launches 2) - does your choise: North, west, south, eastern part... 3) - the rise to clounds (1.1 or the cloundy sky, depends upon weather) 4) - when you collide one, turns on the clound net. 5) - in short-time retains greatly under-water most fixes in this plane tank under the clound net. 6) - by this new weight, your pair of suddenly lens gets down, rapid. 7) - approaches the clound net accelerates your airship. 8) - makes your choise: North, west, south, eastern part... 9) - arrives to 300 feet in the sea level, rapidly turns on the tank: Do not forget turns on the water! 10) - returns to 1). This American dollar is possibly used raises the water supply in the desert. And also: Travel, everywhere.
RayfordSteele, Nov 12 2002

       trainee sense maker attempt [ Dolphin : it's going up and down to move. ] dorsal oscillation motion [Airship : that's it. Raimbow : appears with sun after lift off, as you'll see] aircraft travelling by power effect found in light split in rainbow [The principe is very simple: to travel in the air by the kinetic energy of the potential rain collided. ] use the kinetic push of air molecules in a reigned collision , scale unknown . [4) - as soon as you collided one, open the clound net.] use a condenser to obtain water. Summary guess - Nasa's fuel cell photovoltaic microlight
wjt, Sep 05 2003

       Thanks for the explanation wjt. I had no idea what this was about until your annotation. You could model this with a bucket on a spring that you fill with water at the top and empty at the bottom. It's mad. I like it.
st3f, Sep 13 2003

       I like it!   

       My attempt at translating: An airship with wings takes off with more lift than it needs. As it rises, it glides over to a cloud. It collects the water in the cloud, which makes the airship too heavy. As it sinks, it uses the wings to glide away. When it is near the ground, it dumps the water, become light again, and glides up to the next cloud.   

       It flies like a dolphin bobbing up and down, and could be built to look like one, with a big body and wing/fins. It runs for free and it can transport water to where it's needed.   

       "Gravity powered" airships have been proposed before, but this one would work. Not mad at all. [+]
baconbrain, Nov 17 2007


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