Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Tastes richer, less filling.

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Cloud computing for the home.
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I was recently intrigued by a feature of my video editing program called "network render". It didn't work for shit, but it gave me ideas... Create a feature on Windows 7 or Leopard (depending on which is your favorite) which allows any computers on a home wifi network to connect to each other. Now since this is the easy networking tool, it should happen automatically and without the need to go deep into folders and settings, like my current "Network & Sharing Center". Since this is for processing power and RAM only security should not be a problem.

If a program is opened on one computer and takes up 80% of the processor power it stays there. But if it requires 120% the additional 20% gets offloaded onto the processor of the next computer in the cloud. The next computer is always the one with the most available power. Now, if the person on the 'next' computer decides to open a program of their own, it takes priority. Programs started on one computer always stay on that computer to the greatest extent possible. To explain a little easier: computer A starts running a massive program, and a percentage of that gets offloaded to computer B. Then computer B begins running its own large program. A's demands are shifted from B to the next computer in line (C?)

So now if you have a family of 4 all of the various desk and laptops in the house form a supercomputer capable of carrying out the most demanding rendering & calculating tasks, without impeding the performance of other users or creating security risks. And, oh yeah, easily! Not only the family computers are part of the system. Need more computing power? Tell a friend to bring their computer over too, and add to the pile!

DIYMatt, May 26 2009


       computing with an array of computers is baked, and works for special kinds of problems. the day-to-day programs running on a computer aren't such.
loonquawl, May 26 2009


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