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Funeral Clothing Rental

Like tuxedo rentals, but downbeat
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Funeral homes could offer clothing rentals to mourners who don't own appropriately funereal clothing. Could save on material & cleaning costs because they might only need to be worn by a live person once or a few times at most - eventually someone could be buried or cremated in the used outfits.

(idea inspired by someone asking in a local online forum where to get a suit for her 19 y/o son to wear to a funeral)

a1, Feb 08 2024

Pantone_20Nuns [xenzag, Feb 08 2024]


       Slightly off topic - but a good excuse for me to promote on my fav halfbakery offerings (link)
xenzag, Feb 08 2024

       Amazing how many Pantone BLACK shades there are. For when you want to convey a precise degree of mourning.
a1, Feb 08 2024

Voice, Feb 09 2024

       I'd be suprised if the undertakers wouldn't supply this, but they would have to be asked in advance (you wouldn't want them pulling a clothes rack from out the back of the hearse, while the mourners strip to their undies at the rain-swept graveside)   

       The last funeral I was at the undertakers had a bunch of large black umbrellas for the mourners to use which I guess is the first step towards this idea.
pocmloc, Feb 09 2024

       // ... you wouldn't want ... mourners to strip to their undies at the rain-swept graveside //   

a1, Feb 09 2024

       This is why being a Goth is such a cost effective life option.
DrBob, Feb 23 2024

       waves to Bob, you old goth. Shirley clothes rental is well baked, nay done to a crisp.
po, Feb 23 2024

       // clothes rental is well baked, nay done to a crisp. //   

       True - even alluded to in the subtitle. But this is a specific type of clothing (somber) offered by the specific venue (funeral homes).
a1, Feb 23 2024

       ignore me, I'm turning into doc curry.
po, Feb 23 2024

       // But this is a specific type of clothing (somber) offered by the specific venue (funeral homes).   

       Half baked then - you can rent an understated black suit from many a haberdashery.
tatterdemalion, Feb 23 2024

       // Halfbaked //   

       I'll take that as a complement - half baked is what we're all about here! I really think the funeral directors are missing out on a lot of business going to other clothing rental places.   

       Maybe they could at least get a cut from referrals.
a1, Feb 23 2024

       <Waves back at po>

//mourners who don't own appropriately funereal clothing//
The last couple of funerals that I attended, nobody was in traditional funeral garb anyway. So I think this is an idea whose time passed, probably, back in the 70's.
DrBob, Feb 24 2024

       // I think this is an idea whose time passed //   

       I guess I was late for the funeral then.
a1, Feb 24 2024


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