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Grape Power

Harness the power of the humble grape
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Background: Anyone notice how when you put a grape into a glass of lemonade, the bubbles get stuck to the underside of it causing it to rotate 180 degrees, then the other side fills up with bubbles until the grape rotates again, this process goes on whilst there are still bubbles in the drink
Idea: Put Thousands of grapes into a massive drink of lemonade and hook each one up to a generator and surely if enough grapes were used they could produce limitless amounts of "clean" energy. OK so the carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, but it would get released from the drink anyway.
dekoi, Jul 01 2001

Grape Racing http://www.peoplesp...da/text/grapes.html
A much better use for grapes. [DrBob, Jul 01 2001, last modified Oct 21 2004]


       I don't think "limitless" is the word you want. What's providing the power is the carbon dioxide coming out of solution. However, it took far more energy to dissolve all that CO2 in the first place.   

       (There are only four sources of energy we can use: solar, geothermal, nuclear, and tidal/rotational [Thanks to UnaBubba for catching my fission omission]. All other energy sources on Earth ultimately derive from one of these, usually solar. We use sources like fossil fuels because (1) they store energy in a concentrated form, and (2) because it's cheaper and faster--in the short term, anyway--to recover previously stored energy.)
bookworm, Jul 02 2001, last modified Jul 03 2001

       Take a tall glass of diet tonic water, with a slice of lemon. If there happens to be a stray pip in the lemon which detaches itself from said lemon, you may observe that the pip sinks to the bottom of the glass where it stays awhile before rising to the surface. It then repeats the down-up motion for quite some time. I've never been able to figure out why.
angel, Jul 02 2001

       Bubbles attach to the seed until there are enough to lift it, whereupon it takes off. When it reaches the surface, the bubbles release, and the seed sinks again. 20 goto 10.   

       What kind of lemonade has CO2 in it? Is this a UKism? Lemonade in the US <mostly> has just lemon juice, water and sugar.   

       'It's Country Time! It's never been near a lemon!'
StarChaser, Jul 02 2001

       Those are Lymons
thumbwax, Jul 03 2001

       Ah, so desu. Lemon-lime soda.
StarChaser, Jul 03 2001

       Some restaurants I go to serve "sparkling lemonade" (lemon, sugar, carbonated water). Normal lemonade is non-fizzy. (Seattle, USA.)   

       <humming> I have trampled out the vinyards where the grapes of Municipal Power & Light are stored ... </humming>
wiml, Jul 04 2001

       In the UK lemonade is generally a carbonated clear drink that has a vague test of lemon. You can also get traditional lemonade that is a carbonated yellow drink that really does taste of lemons.
Aristotle, Jul 04 2001

       You can sometimes find cartons of the still stuff in one of the supermarkets, posibly Tesco but I can't remember
RobertKidney, Jul 04 2001

       Fizzed or fizzled out?
goff, Jul 04 2001

       As long as you remember that with grape power comes grape responsibility.
Tabbyclaw, Aug 06 2004

       In the UK, Sprite is considered to be lemonade and water with CO2 in it is considered soda water.   

       If you shook the "massive glass of lemonade" you could harness the pressure and use that too.
marklar, Apr 26 2006

       Reminds me of raisin-racing. Plonk a wrinkly badboy into a fizzy drink and watch him go!
kuupuuluu, Apr 26 2006


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