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HB bump week

lets not get carried away though
  [vote for,

A week to bump your best ideas that fell through the cracks when the bakery was not hoppin'. Users should be limited to 2 bumps of their own ideas and the title should be edited to include '[bump week]' during the week so as to avoid confusion. I wouldn't rely on bakespersons to limit the bumps, but other users to call the abuser on their error.

whataya think?

bleh, Sep 24 2007

BUMP! Ego_20Day
[phundug, Sep 24 2007]

boingbchakbchak [marked-for-engineering]
lets try this. [bleh, Sep 25 2007]

ECL service Existential Contract Lawyers
If you really REALLY want some buns, then this may be for you. [theleopard, Sep 25 2007]


       I'm pretty sure I've seen this before, but it was a few years ago, and I couldn't find the idea to just bump it.
bleh, Sep 24 2007

       I prefer 'naturally' triggered bumps; Say you find out something new that relates to the idea in an interesting way, or finally come up with that jawdroppingly funny comeback to an anno someone made 18 months ago - that kind of thing...
zen_tom, Sep 24 2007

       I prefer those too, but if you had an idea you thought was genuinely good, which only got like 4 annos and then fell though the cracks, its hard to reference them later. I enjoy the annos people leave on my ideas, good or bad, and I'd like the opportunity to have people's input on them again.   

       but I didn't want to just do it without asking, hence this post.
bleh, Sep 24 2007

       apparently this is bun-envy week on the HB.
k_sra, Sep 24 2007

       Anyone envying my buns should get out more.
Galbinus_Caeli, Sep 24 2007

       can't say as i noticed your buns. i'll run to your user page now and check them out....   

       (later) is that a bone in your pants or are you just happy to see me? ; )
k_sra, Sep 24 2007

       How about a week where we stop obsessing about votes and popularity?
jutta, Sep 24 2007

       The idea here, at least for me, isn't motivated by buns, but by annos. I have a few ideas which I liked, but wasn't sure about some aspect of the science, or just wanted some input from a non-biased source. I enjoy the anno's much more than the votes.   

       but if jutta says no, then I'll delete this in a few hours.
bleh, Sep 24 2007

       Fair enough. But if everybody does that at the same time, your ideas will fall through the cracks just the same!   

       You could mention the idea in your profile text ("Looking for something to do? Help me with the physics on <your idea name here>. <restatement of problem>.") That way, people who are actually looking can know where to go - and once any one of them annotates, the idea automatically gets more attention.   

       Maybe there should be a platform other than the front page where people who are looking for actual engineering help, rather than laughs, can advertise?
jutta, Sep 24 2007

       Do you mean to tell me that there's a difference between actual engineering help and laughs? All those years wasted...
normzone, Sep 24 2007

       //Maybe there should be a platform other than the front page where people who are looking for actual engineering help, rather than laughs, can advertise? //   

       I like that. I'd like a 'Copy Idea to Engineer Review' button, so that it remains as is in the regular 'bakery, but is also listed somewhere special.   

       //But if everybody does that at the same time, your ideas will fall through the cracks just the same! //   

       I didn't think of that. Good point, as usual.   

       How bout something similar to the oolong..... thing where you can add a word on your profile page allowing users who are bored with the drivel that occasionally fills the front page can look for something a little more technical to exercise their minds.   

       <runs off to think of clever never though of before word which will never be randomly entered into a search engine. >
bleh, Sep 24 2007

       [Ian], Will you write my ideas for me from now on? you have a much better way of stating my ideas than I do.
bleh, Sep 24 2007

       The HalfBakery's 'local links' - i.e. links from an HB idea to another HB idea - are, I think, a route to making people think about an idea in the context of related ideas rather than being bound by only having visibility of the ideas at [Ian]'s "cursor of active discussion". If this is done effectively (and the obstacle here is the labour of authoring these links) it moves readers from the temporal this-was-posted-after-that view to a view based on semantic relationships. At last, a HalfBakery discussion which my PhD thesis is relevant to...
hippo, Sep 25 2007

       How about an option to mark your own ideas "Comments Requested".   

       This would put the idea on the top of a "Comments Requested" page that is separate from the "Recent" page or the "Top 3" page. It could languish there until someone annotates it (moving it over to "Recent") or other "Comments Requested" ideas push it off the page.
Galbinus_Caeli, Sep 25 2007

       I'm thinking a tag like ' boingbchakbchak' which could be placed in the annos of an idea when it reaches an engineering impasse. I'm going to post a separate idea.   

       //At last, a HalfBakery discussion which my PhD thesis is relevant to...//   

       whats your PhD. in and what was your thesis on?
bleh, Sep 25 2007

       Not keen on the the self-obsessive aspect of this idea. However, I can see merit in having a week where the 'bakery front page consists solely of the 'random' button.

//semantic relationships//

Is that like having a Jewish uncle?
DrBob, Sep 25 2007

       boingbchakbchak idea has been added.. see link.
bleh, Sep 25 2007

       "At last, a HalfBakery discussion which my PhD thesis is relevant to..." hippo, Sep 25 2007   

       gr.: At last, a Halfbakery discussion to which my PhD thesis is relevant.   

       I say lets bring back pedantism.
dentworth, Sep 25 2007

hippo, Sep 25 2007

dentworth, Sep 25 2007

       //a platform other than the front page where people who are looking for actual engineering help, rather than laughs, can advertise// Ooh! Ooh! Yes please! For purely selfish reasons, I'd love the opportunity to ask for suggested solutions to various problems. I'd also enjoy trying to help solve problems. Maybe just as a category? (But, at the same time, maybe this isn't what the HB is for, and maybe it would detract from what it it. So I'm not sure.)
MaxwellBuchanan, Sep 25 2007

       Max- see the linked [marked-for- engineering]. I think an open forum to ask for suggestions to a problem is outside the bakery however, if you find a place for that, let me know.   

       I'd be interested to hear what problems you're looking for solutions to. I'm at an engineering school right now and I'm always looking for challenges. shoot me an e-mail (can be found on my webpage linked from my profile)
bleh, Sep 25 2007

       //I think an open forum to ask for suggestions to a problem is outside the bakery// Yeah, on reflection I half agree with you. I thought maybe just a regular category might not be too intrusive and would stimulate some interesting discussions, but maybe even that would not be appropriate. My particular problems of the moment are more related to [bio]chemistry than engineering, but thanks for the offer!
MaxwellBuchanan, Sep 25 2007


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