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Hose Nose

An end to nozzle frustration.
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Who hasn't had a frustrating experience with leaking hose implements? Old gaskets, worn threading and trash on the mating surfaces causes irritating leakage in otherwise pristine spray guns, sprinklers, and hose junctures. I imagine this is causing untold water wastage and wasted man hours of herculean frustration. Turning the water on and off and on again only to find that further torquing has made the problem worse. ARRRGGGG! My investigation yielded an effective solution: High quality silicone gaskets. Reliable and yielding but far more expensive than conventional gaskets. Upgrading my hose fleet (hoses and implements) was going to cost a relative fortune!

Then brilliance! The problem was an issue of redundancy! If the gasket mating surface was mounted on the hose there was no need for every unit to have plush premium gaskets. In addition to eliminating the huge redundancy a hose nose gasket would be easily inspected before each use, if debris or damage is noted it can be addressed BEFORE we pressurize the system.

How is this revolution to be achieved? First we have the Freudian problem of gender. Gaskets are placed INSIDE the FEMALE parts and fluid flows forth from the MALE parts. While the female parts may have been a convenient place to hide the gasket inspections there are hard and R&R of the sealing surface involves poking a finger into the wet grotto. The elegant solution would be to force the entire system to switch genders but a sex change on this scale would be resisted by users and manufacturers alike.

Instead i propose the machining of small adapters that would screw onto the male hose ends and taps and retain a high quality gasket. The kit would also include a tool for removing the old outmoded gaskets from the female end of hoses and implements as they would no longer be required. 1/2 as many gaskets and no more dripping! The water savings alone could pay for this upgrade in commercial facilities where hose use is frequent. It also has the added benefit of only requiring modification of the taps and hoses unlike quick couplers which retain the conventional system and add an adapter to every implement which can still leak and loosen.

WcW, Oct 27 2008

DucK-Tape [theGem, Oct 27 2008]

Artist's Rendition http://img525.image...age=hosenoseit6.png
My understanding (probably wrong) [Spacecoyote, Oct 27 2008]

Take Two http://img291.image...ge=hosenose2yp7.png
[Spacecoyote, Oct 28 2008]


       This is over engineered, all you need is a few wraps of DucK- Tape (link)
theGem, Oct 27 2008

       And then there were two. :'y
WcW, Oct 27 2008

       I would like pictures. The old and the new. Glorious sunny colors can be used for the new.   

       I think I call many different things "gaskets". Things that are not widgets might be gaskets. Also sprockets.   

       Anyway: pictures, please.
bungston, Oct 27 2008

       it would be more.... i just can't criticize free art. Its an additional piece of brass with a male and a female end. The female end screws onto a conventional hose's male end leaving a new male end with an integral silicone gasket (the little ring thingy)
WcW, Oct 27 2008

       Feel free to criticize, I drew this, not knowing entirely what you were on about, expecting criticism so I may correct it. Unfortunately I'm still having trouble visualizing the device. I'll post a new one in a minute.
Spacecoyote, Oct 27 2008

       perfect. Your services humble me. I will try to return the favor to another.
WcW, Oct 28 2008

       Who comes? ... Crow comes. Slow Joe Crow comes.   

       Who sews crow's clothes? Sue sews crow's clothes. Slow Joe Crow sews whose clothes? Sue's clothes.   

       Sue sews socks of fox in socks now.   

       Slow Joe Crow sews Knox in box now.   

       Sue sews rose on Slow Joe Crow's clothes. Fox sews hose on Slow Joe Crow's nose.   

       Hose goes. Rose grows.   

       Nose hose goes some. Crow's rose grows some.
wagster, Oct 28 2008

       Who comes? ...
Crow comes.
Slow Joe Crow comes.

       Who sews crow's clothes?
Sue sews crow's clothes.
Slow Joe Crow sews whose clothes?
Sue's clothes.

       Sue sews socks of fox in socks now.
Slow Joe Crow sews Knox in box now.

       Sue sews rose on Slow Joe Crow's clothes.
Fox sews hose on Slow Joe Crow's nose.

       Hose goes.
Rose grows.

       Nose hose goes some.
Crow's rose grows some.
wagster, Oct 28 2008

       "Caddy, take this Troll Harpoon back and pass me my Dr. Seuss rifle, and a couple of clips of the semi-wadcutter ......."
8th of 7, Oct 28 2008

       Very well, then, Mr. 8th, sir.   

       Let's have a little talk about tweetle beetles....
wagster, Oct 29 2008


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