Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Jockey Jacket

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A jacket adorned with a doll dressed as a jockey, attached at the back and shoulders, scaled to size so it looks like the wearer is being ridden by a little jockey.

Maybe also available in a backpack design so it has some practical function.

Maybe also available is the jockey jacket jockey jockey jacket, a little jockey jacket that the jockey on your jockey jacket wears. If you want.

No piss-like-a-racehorse jokes, please.

tatterdemalion, Jul 16 2011


       silk obviously.
po, Jul 16 2011

       Better as a hat perhaps?
pocmloc, Jul 16 2011

       ”Horse racing isn’t really a sport – the horse doesn’t even want to do it. He’s only running because he’s got a midget on his back. If you were walking down the street and a midget jumped on your back, you’d run too.”   

       ~comedian from Just For Laughs that I can't seem to find a link to without remembering his name~   

       Is a 'my wife already rides me 24/7' joke acceptable?
Alterother, Jul 17 2011

       You should probably ask her...   


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