I would be interested in making a website&app that
would help people list complaints against
officers/public officials without worrying about
whether that officer is going to pull them over or show
up at their front door. I think it would be nice to have
an application for ios/android that
would allow people
to report incidents of police corruption and tag specific
officers anonymously.
Like a lot of other user submitted platforms (youtube
etc) there will have to be quality control. The status of
the complaint would have to be automatically verified
or by a site admin.
Like a teacher report/rating system people add who
they want to report, and overlay that on top of existing
available information.
IE: my precinct is the 3rd district there is public record
of XXX officer. All it would take would be to pull up
this information into a database and then allow people
in a wiki format to approve/deny false allegations for
quality control.
Ideally it would be something like this:
A memphis, tn resident wrote: I was beaten by officer
____ (or unknown name with physical description or
video) and not charged, but my belongings were
stolen. It was at ____ at 10:00AM.
-insert video/photo/document attachment
The same would be applicable to any government
employee suspected of corruption that a user would
like to submit within limits.
I don't have a catchy name "REPORT CORRUPTION
ANONYMOUSLY" "COPSTOP" are the dumbest names
that come to mind.
Also, seeing as everyone has a social media account I
figure people could add information about the people
by finding their social pages. I think the lack of
government oversite for corruption in this country is
It would be cool to have it internationally but that
would be rather expensive depending on how
complicated the website would be. I think it could be a
great service to society.