Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Left for Bread

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[Sep 17 2000, last modified Sep 16 2000]
(+1) Academic Glove
(-1) AI-Station
(+4, -1) All-Volunteer War
(+3, -1) Amateur's Plastic
(+2, -9)(+2, -9) American Kamikaze Corps
(+3, -4) Anti-gamete Virus
(-9)(-9) Artificial Masochism.
(+3) Auditory Sensory Deprivation device
(+1, -2) Auto Screenstretch
(+1, -3) BIOS leech
(+7, -4) Caffeine Concentration Assay
(+17)(+17) CD-Text
(+4, -1) CD-writeover
(+1, -4) Civil-Service Forfeiture Law
(+2) CPU Bus Interconnect
(+6, -2) Edible Explosive
(-2) Elective Neurosurgery
(+3, -4) Emotional Deactivator
(+2, -4) Execution Botch Device
 Eye Burner
(+2, -3) Garage Rogue
(+5, -4) Grenades for Everyone
(+6, -2) Halting Hard Disk
(+2, -7)(+2, -7) Hardware Anti-Nagware Switch
(+2) Home Escape Vehicle
 Implanted Glory Device
 Living Bomb
(+6) 'Machete' Browser
(+2, -8)(+2, -8) Mandatory Hunt
(+4, -1) Non-Sequential Memory
(+4, -2) Outdoor CPU Heat Pipe
(+2, -3) Pain Machine
(+1) Painless DST Clock
(+7) Physical /dev/null
(+3) Polymorphic Multimedia Standard
(-4) Pooled IP Commerce
(+2, -4) PowerLeech Fork
(-6)(-6) prison early release gamble
(+4, -1) Private World
(+3, -5) Quantum Execution
 Radio Parasite
(+4, -5) Sanitary Teleporter
(+3, -1) Scanmera
(-2) Serial Guillotine
(+1, -2) Sewer Pipe Vacuum
(+2, -1) Silent Machine
(+5) Soldering Iron Sheath
(+6, -3) Spinal Cord Signal Intercept Passthrough
 Sweat-Deodorizer Pill
(+5, -2) Uncivilized Shutdown
(+17, -2)(+17, -2) Universal Axe
(+2, -6) Universal Refuge
(+5, -1) Universal Screwdriver
(-2) Virtual Violent Crime
(+5, -4) World-Domination Machine

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