Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Why on earth would you want that many gazelles anyway?

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Another Way For Beach Sand Artists To Monetize Their Works

QR code made in sand allows people to tip online.
(+2, -2)
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Retains the ephemeral beauty while allowing the artist to make some money.

I'd tip just for a QR code in sand that actually works.

doctorremulac3, Jan 07 2025

Just when I thought I came up with something original. https://www.instagr...noks/p/CwahI7RPWQJ/
Nope, actually been done before. The QR code made of sand anyway. [doctorremulac3, Jan 07 2025]




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