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Average TV

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On my TV I sometimes have a problem of poor signal quality, which is presumably due to random electrical noise. TV screen resolution is around 544 x 372 pixels with refresh rates of 24 frames/s (stats from a very unthorough web search), which is a lot of data.

In the interests of improving viewability in these cases, I would be happy to sacrifice the spatial and temporal resolution of this data using simple averaging (or low pass filtering). The user could decide on the degree of averaging using a single button, as with colour, contrast, brightness, etc.

It must be pretty easy to do because it is utterly baked and trivial in signal processing in general, but not, apparantly, in TVs.

lubbit, Sep 09 2001


       No reason this couldn't be done, except for the inevitable economics -- for the same price, you might as well buy a nice satellite TV system.   

       Cheap TVs can't do it because they don't have a framebuffer.
egnor, Sep 10 2001

       Frame buffer: something that stores the previous frame(s) right ? This may not be necessary - if one could slightly defocus the electron beam it would spread over several pixels of the screen - this constitutes spatial smoothing. I'm not so sure about temporal smoothing - maybe if the screen could retain its pixel values for a millisecond or two longer then successive refreshes would mix together and... So, satellite, you say ?
lubbit, Sep 10 2001


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