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Car Humidifier

Car humidifier
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I searched google and the closest to this I could find to this is a portable humidifier that you can put in your car and use the electricity from the cigarette lighter to power it.

Humidifiers increase the moisture in the air and can help breathing and provide other heath benefits. There are many cheaply priced humidifiers for houses. If you can have heated seats in a car, why not a humidifier? I propose a small unit consisting of a 2-3 liter tank of water mounted fairly close to the engine. When you turn it on, the water is pumped around the radiator and converted into steam, which is then let out through the vents into the cabin. Only very small quantities of steam would be let out. There would be enough to increase the humidity in the car by quite a bit, yet not enough to have significant amounts of condensation on the windshield.

acurafan07, Jan 26 2007

my related version of this idea Car_20Window_20Fogger
[jhomrighaus, Jan 26 2007]


       I like my version better. but yours is actually something I might like to have on a long drive with the AC on it can get so dry in the car.
jhomrighaus, Jan 26 2007

       It could use condensation from the AC system as a water source, or even the exhaust from a hydrogen engine (when hydrogen cars start coming out)
-----, Jan 26 2007

       I'd be concerned that whatever ducts used to convey the air vapor would be left with significant amounts of water vapor in them once you turned off the car humidifier, which could lead to mildewing - especially because portions of the ducts would remain warm for some time due to being near the engine.   

       Mildew growth is already a problem in air conditioning ducts in warm, wet climates such as Florida, though, so if you can research how this problem has been solved (if it has), perhaps there is an equivalent solution for your problem.
Osomatic, Jan 26 2007

       Odd you mention that [Osomatic], as [acurafan] was making that same very point in [jhom]'s idea.
theleopard, Jan 26 2007

       [jhomrighaus]'s idea is in many ways different from mine. The point of his is to fog up the windows as a tint or just to look cool, while the point of mine is to have a little bit of steam in the cabin but to make sure it doesn't fog up the windows or windshield.
acurafan07, Jan 26 2007

       I dont think theleopard was aiming his comment at your idea but rather at osomatic's commment.
jhomrighaus, Jan 26 2007

       It was more a snidey aside at [Acura]'s dismissal of the 'Window Fogger' idea, only to write a strikingly similar one later down the road.   

       But fair enough [Acura], it has its differences...
theleopard, Jan 26 2007

       I did end up bunning it, and that was only 2 weeks after I joined here... I didn't understand then that some of the best ideas don't have to have such a clearcut and obvious purpose. I often cringe upon reading some of my earliest annotations.
acurafan07, Jan 27 2007

       I ride in a car in winter and find plenty of condensation and fog build up. I think a car dehumidifier may be more to my need.
travbm, Nov 05 2015


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