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Cuckoo beard

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With the growth of miniaturization, it must now surely be possible to bring into being a battery-operated device which can be hidden within a fullsome beard, and which causes a small cuckoo to emerge therefrom, briefly and sonorously, on the hour.
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 07 2017

Chuck Norris's beard https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8WtZxZzFs58
Watch the birdie! [xenzag, Mar 07 2017]

Beard_20Cyclops One of my better offerings in my humble opinion [xenzag, Mar 07 2017]

http://lear200.com/...519213c-450x450.png [hippo, Mar 08 2017]


       With the growth of miniaturization, it must now surely be possible to make a battery-operated false beard for cuckoos?
not_morrison_rm, Mar 07 2017

       With the growth of micro-miniaturization, it must now surely be possible to make a a battery-operated device which can be hidden within a fullsome real beard, and which causes a small cuckoo (with battery-operated false beard) to emerge therefrom, briefly and sonorously, on the hour ?
8th of 7, Mar 07 2017

       But surely that's the norm, [Ian]? I mean, a beard has no chin of its own.
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 07 2017

       He's got a point you know, [Ian].
8th of 7, Mar 07 2017

       It's beards all the way down..
not_morrison_rm, Mar 08 2017

       <Edward Lear>
There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who said, "It is just as I feared!—
Two Owls and a Hen, four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard.
</Edward Lear>

(see link)
hippo, Mar 08 2017

       Could such a device also be tucked away in a certain recently-elected coifed leader's hair? Or if more space were needed, inside the hollow cavity between his ears?
RayfordSteele, Mar 08 2017

       No need, Jeremy Corbyn already has a beard.
8th of 7, Mar 08 2017

       I assume there will be versions of this essential invention suitable for armpit and pubic hair?
hippo, Mar 08 2017

       //I assume there will be versions of this essential invention suitable for armpit and public hair?//   

       A few years ago, microsoft suddenly created hundreds of newsgroups with names like microsoft.pubic.directx   

       I think you've just made the opposite mistake.
Loris, Mar 08 2017

       Oops yes, corrected now - and you're right, the opposite error is much more common
hippo, Mar 08 2017

       More likely an injunction...
8th of 7, Mar 08 2017

       + I happen to like this nonsense.   

       hopefully it can be disabled whilst sleeping!
xandram, Mar 09 2017

       Clever. [+]
doctorremulac3, Mar 10 2017


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