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Orange juice ... that's not orange!
  (+1, -9)(+1, -9)
(+1, -9)
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The reader might be familiar with the semi-recent ketchup marketing scheme where the sauce was dyed a bright neon blue or purple or green instead of the typical, traditional red. It woke people up and got the kids excited, right? Well what if a the Orange Juice industry took that idea beyond the simple surprise of an unexpected color, and finally drew attention to the overly simplistic and culturally neutral name it's enjoyed for far, far too long:

Bleach the orange juice with some safe depigmentation agent, and then dye it another color...any other color. Leave it white, for all I care: point is, it's not orange, so how can it be orange juice?

Just think of the advertising potential! It could be just like the Apple Jacks campaign of, 'why do you like it if it doesn't taste like apples?' The kids could be having ridiculous arguments with befuddled adults, frustrated with the discontinuity between name and appearance.

PandaFoot, Nov 19 2007

Strikingly similar to the vastly more popular: Klearchup
I suppose due to the useful practicalities that [xandram] puts forward, ie, stain disguise. [theleopard, Nov 21 2007]


       So overall you are recommending adding yet more artificial colourings to the foods our children eat? Not my kid. [-]
vincevincevince, Nov 19 2007

       As far as I know, there is nothing safe that would "bleach" the orange color from orange juice.   

       Also, any idea involving food additive gets a bone from me.
Spacecoyote, Nov 19 2007

       You can get red orange juice naturally. There's probably a couple of things you could put in that wouldn't be bad, such as beetroot, but is that a pleasing colour and how much would it alter the taste? I'm sure there are some natural ingredients you could put in to make it look like cola.
marklar, Nov 19 2007

       "it's not orange, so how can it be orange juice?"   

       Because it's made from the juice of oranges, birdbrain.
Murdoch, Nov 19 2007

       I'm voting against this purely because sooner or later someone will actually do it.
wagster, Nov 19 2007

       //some juices contain gelatin// False. However, some juice-based drinks contain gelatin.
vincevincevince, Nov 20 2007

       Better than cockatiel.
Texticle, Nov 20 2007

       I'll have a cochineal cockatiel, please. Shaken, not stirred. And do you have beer nuts?   

       No, sir. My nuts are perfectly normal. Here's your drink.
Canuck, Nov 20 2007

       Q. what do you get when you mix Michael Jackson and OJ Simpson?   

       A. white orange juice.
k_sra, Nov 20 2007

       Under certain conditions (weather and such), oranges end up producing rather pale juice. Pale juice doesn't pass the quality control of premium juice brands. Perhaps instead of bleaching juice and using artificial coloring, natural coloring (not cochineal) could be added to pale juice to make it more appealing. Then again these companies probably already have a use for the pale juice (they sell it, or use it in blended products). That said, if this were the idea, I'd bun.
Spacecoyote, Nov 21 2007

       A(2); A guy with one glove that doesn't fit.
4whom, Nov 21 2007

       [Rhimestock], are you British?
k_sra, Nov 21 2007


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