Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Movie Theatres that have blue tooth, or a plug for your headset

Use your $260 noise cancelling earphones to enjoy movies again
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Movies are impossible to enjoy anymore, what with crying babies, insufferable pre-teens, old farts talking, and people walking in late just to put on their own show.

It would help if I could put on my high end Bose noise cancelling headset and plug it into a plug in the armrest.

r_kreher, May 21 2016

Crossman https://www.valleyv...6-8328-4fdae2f1d023
Just one example from an extensive range. Pistols also available. [8th of 7, May 22 2016]


       Preferred two-to one over the Rude Patron Taser app. +
whatrock, May 22 2016

       // crying babies, insufferable pre-teens, old farts talking, and people walking in late just to put on their own show. //   

       We recommend Crossman products.   

8th of 7, May 22 2016

       When did Crossman start making headphones?
r_kreher, May 23 2016

8th of 7, May 23 2016


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