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Recycle discarded cell phones into space probes.
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We could recycle some of the ten's of thousands of java-enabled cell phones into moon-robots by slapping some wheels and maybe a set of arms on them. Then we'll send them to the moon to map the surface, assemble solar array's and shelters, drill for water, etc. Plus, with no atmosphere, you can't hear those anoying rings. (Mine play's Queen's Under Pressure when work calls)
OneThousandMonkeys, Jan 14 2003

(?) A picture http://www.blackbir...e-talk/phonebot.jpg
Here's a rough 3d rendering of said phonebot. [OneThousandMonkeys, Oct 04 2004]


       Oh, right. You'd need to send a solar array for recharging and a "server base" comprised of a more sophisticated computer and a cellular transmittter to manage all of the phonebots. I meant to include that in the original post.
OneThousandMonkeys, Jan 14 2003

       What is it about wanting to chuck everything we don't want anymore either into the sea or into space ? as for a phone assembling a shelter,mmm..no expert me so i'll scoot off then.
skinflaps, Jan 14 2003

       Ha. (Croisant for the link). Did you make that or, find it on the net?   

       //Croisant for the link). //   

       And another!
FloridaManatee, Jan 14 2003

       //Did you make that or, find it on the net?//   

       I made it (the picture, that is). I probably have more spare time than I need...
OneThousandMonkeys, Jan 15 2003

       The idea is surprisingly... GOOD! but only one part of it, the mapping, a bunch of small robots moving around and recording criteria for building colonies isn't bad.
the-baker, Jan 14 2006


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