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Strength Saver Sex Support

Support for whoever is on top
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Everyone likes sex, from young to old, but who likes having someone laying directly on top of you or having to support yourself from laying directly on top of someone?

This would be a small, additional mattress lifted off your regular bed that would have holes for all the naughty bits to connect to the person underneath. Basically, you'd have the feeling of laying face down on your own bed, but with access to all the fun things to do with your partner in bed.

Can also be folded away for easy storage under your bed.

goober, Sep 22 2009

Love Handles Love_20Handles
[normzone, Sep 23 2009]


       Oh dude - that's just not nice. Use a sling.   

wagster, Sep 22 2009

       Hey! I'm happily married...8 years, in fact. The added mattress wouldn't go all the way to the head anyway. Just covering the torso, hips, and legs.
goober, Sep 22 2009

       wag, you gonna explain to my wee ones what a sling is when they see it?
goober, Sep 22 2009

       please don't ask about his wee ones...
po, Sep 22 2009

       /who likes having someone laying directly on top of you //   

       Er...who doesn't?
egbert, Sep 23 2009

       Perhaps a better diet and regular exercise could make this problem go away?
vincevincevince, Sep 23 2009

       //wag, you gonna explain to my wee ones what a sling is when they see it?//   

       "It's a medieval instrument of torture. For children that don't behave..."
wagster, Sep 23 2009

       Please don't let them ever see you use it...
theleopard, Sep 23 2009

       Yeah, if there's one thing more traumatic than seeing your parents having sex, it's seeing your parents having kinky sex.
wagster, Sep 23 2009

       "Stop hurting Mommy!"
theleopard, Sep 23 2009

       //one thing more traumatic than seeing your parents having sex, it's seeing your parents having kinky sex.//   

       And one thing even more traumatic than that is being turned into a fly by an irascible Deity, and then watching your parents having kinky sex.   

       "Dinnae shite in ma mooth!"
zen_tom, Sep 23 2009

       Alright. I was unable to summon the courage to post my latest bed-oriented idea, "Love Handles", but now I cannot resist.
normzone, Sep 23 2009

       This is a somewhat twisted group when it comes right down to it. If I do say so myself.
blissmiss, Sep 23 2009

       Talk about twisting...(link).
normzone, Sep 23 2009

       pssst, can someone explain what he is saving his strength for?
po, Sep 23 2009

       Perhaps you should try it then, instead of the physical kind ?
8th of 7, Sep 23 2009

       po, I'm saving my strength for Round 2, obviously.
goober, Sep 24 2009

       //Support for whoever is on top//

How about having a team of cheerleaders in the room to cheer you on to greater efforts?
DrBob, Sep 24 2009

       You mean you don't, normally?
RayfordSteele, Sep 27 2009


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