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Collabrative broadcasting as the wave of the future.
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Ok, what to The View and Slashdot have in common? Not much? wrong.

Both programs (slashdot can be considered a daily program that broadcasts over the course of a 24-hour period) incorporate that thing that we all seem to be liking more and more as time passes. Collaboration.

Probably an offshoot of the Web's ability to quickly form communities of trust, people are turning more and more towards themed groups for news. While I don't think the Big Media model (look at any dead tree magazine or newspaper, they're one "individual" whom you trust to be impartial and know all.) to topple over and die anytime in the next century, it is "losing ground" to this new form of media. Weblogs are inheriently biased, they make no attempt to be otherwise. They do, however, in the case of Slashdot, bring together a wide variety of biased opinions. You probably know all this already, though. What next, then?

The View, innocuous as it is, presents a new possibility. Imagine something akin to slashdot with a "celebrity panel". Take a group of well known, or alteast highly competent, smart folks. Nicholas Negropante would be nice, but unlikely. Pay them something based on the ad revenues generated. Their job is to take the reader or panel submitted pages and review them, then review each other's commentary, then comment on each other's reveiws, etc. A little more elitist, perhaps, but that coule be mediated rather easily with a variety of means. My personal favorite would be to have the highest-scoring reader comments "bumped up" to the panel.

The end result would hopefully be a reduction in noise, the current bane of the blogging community.

bear, Dec 21 1999

Slashdot http://www.slashdot.org
the one and only Slashdot [bear, Dec 21 1999, last modified Oct 17 2004]

Eatonweb http://www.eatonweb.com/portal/
Eatonweb's Big list of weblogs [bear, Dec 21 1999, last modified Oct 21 2004]

Open Ratings http://www.business...biz/0003/em0315.htm
Bus. Week article on Pattie Maes' (of Firefly fame) new company. I like the idea of weighting the rater's ratings by their experience and previous closeness to the average rating. This is a way to let *all* users participate and *build* their prestige using some merit measure. Collaborative filtering has fascinated me for a long time -- I thought Firefly was one of the most promising apps on the web when I first saw it. I want to see c.f. controlled more and used more by *users*, not marketers. [syost]

Collaborative filtering for my.userland.com http://discuss.user...com/msgReader$15601
I posted about this, and got some interesting responses: a userland devloper who describes what they're devloping and a reference to earlier conversations on the same topic. [syost, Dec 21 1999, last modified Oct 21 2004]

Collaborative filtering for my.userland.com http://discuss.user...com/msgReader$15601
I posted about this, and got some interesting responses: a userland devloper who describes what they're devloping and a reference to earlier conversations on the same topic. [syost, Dec 21 1999, last modified Oct 17 2004]

The Edge http://www.edge.org
The View meets smart folks or perhaps wannabe pretenders [RayfordSteele, May 16 2005]


       I think that individually posted opinions are too fine-grained to be worthwhile rating.   

       I think it *would* be interesting to apply collaborative filtering to a full set of weblogs, like the set presented at my.userland.com. Technology like Net Perceptions' applied to my.userland.com would let me find the blogs that were rated high by those with the same interests as me (judging by their ratings of other blogs similar to my ratings).
syost, Mar 16 2000


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