Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Wooly Willy Barber Aid

Laughter makes the world...something something
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As a kid, I, along with everyone else I knew, had a "Wooly Willy" toy. Sure, they're fun when you're younger, but wouldn't it be great to find a practical use for them? Of course it would!

I think it would be negligent in this day and age not to have a Wooly Willy toy serve as a barber shop aid for people who have a hard time describing exactly how they want their hair cut. Not to mention, there aren't nearly enough humerous facial-hairstyles out there. When's the last time you saw a guy walking around with a waxed "villian" mustache to twirl? I bet it's been over a week. And the "bushy eyebrows" look? You know it's coming back, so look out!

Overpanic, Sep 21 2003

The man himself!!! http://www.smethpor...ality/wollypage.htm
(For those of you who either don't remember or never knew who Wooly Willy was...) [Overpanic, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 21 2004]


       Sign outside barbershop:   

       "Not sure about our service? Come in and try our Wooly Willy..."
Cedar Park, Sep 21 2003

       I didn't have a wooly willy 'til I was about 11. Still haven't found a practical use for it.
RayfordSteele, Sep 24 2003

       Exactly, Rayford.   

       I thought this was going to be a way to get rid of those annoying, itchy hairs down there. But no. Gee, thanks, [Overpanic].
Eugene, Sep 24 2003

       No problem!
Overpanic, Sep 25 2003


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