Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Hello, my name is Vance. I have not posted here since early 2001, but I am back!

[Jan 26 2001, last modified Jan 25 2001]
(+3, -7) Afro-Canadian Milk
(+2, -7)(+2, -7) Alcohol-Reducing Guzzling Aid
(+8, -5) Back Alley Brown Rice Hell Hole
(+6, -5) Burnt Crow
(+2, -5) Chocolate-Covered Walnut
(+1, -4) Cocoa Dust Pixie Stix(tm)
(+6) Corn Eggs
 False Gohan
(+4, -2) Foul Water
(+6, -1) Gamma Ray Toaster Oven
(+6, -1) Glass Gourd
(+6, -2) Home Icehouse
(+5) Kleptoburger
(+6, -2) Large Cooling Stones
(+5) Layered Waffle Treat
 Meal Worm Crunch
(+4, -2) New Head Garment
(+5, -3) Semi-Domesticated Boar Disposal System
 Slumber Thumber
(+5, -4) Ultimate Mint Sauce
(+1, -2) Ultrasonic Knife
(+3, -8)(+3, -8) Vinegar Tendons

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