Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Naturally low in facts.

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[Mar 12 2004, last modified Jul 14 2010]
(+8)(+8) 3D Portable computer System
(+9, -3) Anonymous Debit Card
(+5, -4) Beeping Battery
(+1) Bidirectional Needle
(+4, -2) Clean Pasta
(+15)(+15) Conveniently Placed Easter Eggs
(+1) Credit Card Certificate Authority
(+2, -4) Domain Name Timeshares
(+3, -1) Email Identity Protector
(+2) Emergency Toe Galoshes
 Fake ISP
(+8, -1) Fire-Detecting Microwave
 Fraud-Report Credit Card
(+3) GPS for the Deaf
(+3) Granulated Bandwidth Control
 Gravity Tailgate Racer Contest
(+4) Hero Bait Bomb
(+4, -9)(+4, -9) I'm a millionaire!
(+5, -1) Laptop Wedge
(+4, -2) Light-based Car Alarm
 Magnetic Carpet
(+1, -2) Mass Diet
(+5, -1) Musical Sound Filter
(+6, -2) Negative Sudoku
(+6) Noise-Generating Fan
(+5, -1) Personal Food Irradiator
(+5) Politics-Based Shopping
(+3, -1) Privacy: Dissociate account from other site components
(+4, -1) Projected Mousepad
(+4) Remote Directional Fan
(+3) Retractable Stiff Cord
(+2) Retracting Spool Box
(+1, -2) Secure Hard Disk
(+4) Sliding Door Alarm
(+4) Tactile Thermometer
(+4) The Dishonest Reviewer
(+1, -2) The Free Watch Experiment
(+6, -3) The "Give this Guy Money" Button
(+1) Thirst-Inducing Powder
(+10, -6) Tiny, sealed tacos
(+9)(+9) Trash Bag of Doom
(+2) Trash Compactor Shredder
(+6) USB Perpetual Power Supply
(+2, -4) "Used" Toothbrush
(+2, -1) Virtual 911
 Virtual Laptop

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