Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Number of new ideas created after November 2003 with elephant in them. I guess it averages out!


 Giant mint leaves as a new kind of produce  beanangel  Food: Vegetable  Oct 04 16 
 I think slective breeding could create much larger mint leaves, with milder flavor, that could be a popular new vegetable  Oct 05 16 
 'I'd do that for a dollar'  britboy  Culture: Website: Forum  Nov 22 07 
 'How much would you have to be paid' website  Sep 27 16 
 Introspectacles  theircompetitor  Product: Glasses: Direction  Jan 04 04 
 Glasses with reflective mirrors on the inside side  Sep 26 16 
 Custom Echo Wall  lankybits  Culture: Art: Landscape  Feb 21 07 
 Record your voice in stone  Sep 21 16 
 Hey - that's me  xenzag  Culture: Art: Performance  Apr 27 06 
 show yourself to a big audience....  Sep 14 16 
 Thames extension  MaxwellBuchanan  Public: Water: Geography  Jul 07 16 
   Jul 21 16 
 TrumpPence  RayfordSteele  Halfbakery: Song: N-Z  Jul 15 16 
 Practically writes itself.  Jul 20 16 
 UK Joins US  theircompetitor  Public: Election: Alternative  Jun 21 16 
 Common, you know you want it  Jun 25 16 
 Last words section in death certificate  mofosyne  Public: Legal system  May 20 16 
   May 21 16 
 The Maus Trapp  8th of 7  Culture: Movie: Derived Work  May 16 16 
 The hills are alive to the sound of Panzers ...  May 20 16 
 Combined zoo and train station  not_morrison_rm  Public: Architecture  May 04 13 
   May 10 16 
 Seeing Eye Lion  vfrackis  Science: Health: Eye: Blindness  Mar 04 16 
   Mar 07 16 
 Infrasonic Upshifter  MaxwellBuchanan  Product: Headphones  Jan 24 16 
   Jan 29 16 


 Centenarian Beauty Pageant  doctorremulac3  Public: Voting  Dec 08 15 
 Give them something to aspire to  Dec 09 15 
 Cooch  guncandy  Home: Furniture  Apr 10 15 
 A couch you're not comfortable getting comfortable with  Nov 21 15 
 Cities of Magnificent Objects  FlyingToaster  Public: City: Theme  Nov 11 15 
 okay, impressively big objects  Nov 12 15 
 International Sock Market  UnaBubba  Business: Financial: Stock Market  May 08 12 
 Wool aisle be darned.  Oct 18 15 
 Rooster Potato Snooker  xenzag  Product: Game: Tabletop  Oct 12 15 
 replace snooker balls with potatoes aka spud snooker  Oct 18 15 
 Submersible flailing oxygenating tube men  2 fries shy of a happy meal  Home: Pet: Fish: Aquarium  Sep 03 15 
 does this smell fishy to you?  Sep 06 15 
 Savour of the Universe  MaxwellBuchanan  Science: Astronomy  Jul 29 15 
   Aug 04 15 
 Complete car recycling  Voice  Vehicle: Car: Service  Apr 14 08 
 A factory that can handle a whole car  Jun 14 15 
 Tactile Zoo  JesusHChrist  Computer: Printer: 3D  Apr 21 15 
 Of cool shapes  Apr 23 15 
 Babar Berber Barbershop  not_morrison_rm  Business: Hair Salon  Apr 08 15 
   Apr 20 15 
 vampire gun  cecil0132  Product: Weapon: Gun: Mechanism  Aug 29 12 
 shoot only at vampires when vampire hunting  Mar 12 15 
 National Geographic™ Hotel Chain  FlyingToaster  Business: Hotel  Mar 19 10 
 If you think the pictures are stunning . . .  Jan 16 15 

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