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chain that is also a flexible hose
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ChainHose looks like and behaves as a chain - ie it consists of a series of connected links, meaning it's strong, crush resistant but can be coiled up for easy storage when not in use.

The big difference between this chain and every other one is that ChainHose also functions as a hosepipe that transports water or other liquids. It can do this because the links are all hollow and connected to each other by watertight flexible ball joints where they join together to form the actual chain.

Water (or any other liquid) entering the special link at one end of the chain will travel its entire length and emerge at an equivalent link at the other end, in the manner of a rubber hose.

xenzag, Apr 28 2023

Ball joint https://www.amazon....onent/dp/B094F99C9S
Flexes 23 degrees [scad mientist, Apr 28 2023]

Segmented hose https://www.cromwel...EAQYAyABEgI9s_D_BwE
Trade name loc-line; a tube made out of segments with hollow ball-and-socket joints [Loris, Apr 28 2023]

https://www.halfbak...al/help.html#tongue //intelligent contributers here cannot so easily understand// [pocmloc, Apr 29 2023]

Metal flex hose cross section http://cdn2.bigcomm...-cross-sections.jpg
[Voice, May 01 2023]

Composite hoses https://flexline.co...cts/composite-hose/
[Voice, May 01 2023]


       honestly, I doubt this will work as well as you're suggesting.
Hoses made of rigid sections with flexible linkages exist. The more you make them look like a chain, the less reliable and effective they'll be, and I doubt you'll be able to gain much of the characteristic strain resistance of a chain.
Loris, Apr 28 2023

       What [Loris] said.
Voice, Apr 28 2023

       I don't really "do" practical..... and yet, the idea is pefectly viable and capable of being functional. As regards Loris's observation, ChainHose would be far more resistant to strain than any conventional hose or even any armour encased hose. Its strengths lie in its flexibility; modularity (damage any link and you can insert another one); its crush resistence; its ability to negotiate and cross awkward spaces; its capacity to conduct scalding hot liquids or acidic chemicals that would eat rubber or even some plastics. I have a lot of faith in my halfbaked idea!
xenzag, Apr 28 2023

       Are you suggesting it's made of actually interlinked links (so as to carry tension) or not?
If yes, wouldn't it be better to take strain using a chain and carry fluid using a flexible tube? Both components can be designed to be more efficient and effective.
If no, how is it different to existing segmented pipes? (example linked)
Loris, Apr 28 2023

       I think the key will be how you do your "ball joint".   

       Neglecting details such as manufacturability for now, lets consider a single ball and socket per link. Each chain link has one ball sticking toward the center of the link, and a matching socket on the opposing inside face. Assume the proportions of the ball are similar to the first link. It seems like we might want it to be a bit smaller since we want the socket to be entirely contained within the chain, but not too much smaller or flow will be restricted too much. Note in the detailed description that this ball joint can ben 23 degrees. It can also swivel 360, but since it is mounted inside the link, twisting the hose is limited by the interlocked chain links.   

       The problem with this type of ball is that with an angle of only 23 degrees, this chain is much less flexible than a normal chain that can bend nearly 180 degrees at each link. We could make each connection a double ball joint (two balls back to back going into a socket in each link) to increase the angle to 46 degrees. That hose chain might be usable in that state, but since the bend angle is limited by the ball and sockets, those have to be sturdy enough to withstand some bending force when the user is pulling a loop of hose that is trying to kink. It seems to me that once you make the ball and socket joints strong enough to handle that, they would be strong enough to simply have a string of ball and socket joints inline.   

       Another possibility for your "ball joint" is actually to make it more like a universal joint, where the section of each link connected to the next link is mounted between two rotating couplings. This allows full bending flexibility, but any twist would immediately make the chain want to form loops. But if you add a ball joint (or just a swivel) between the two halves of each universal joint, you get all of your flexibility back. Okay, so that's only 5 rotating seals per link. What could go wrong?
scad mientist, Apr 28 2023

       Loc-line is interesting, but that snaps apart, right? Not something that would do well being pulled around the garden. Although... if you had a connection like that inside each link, when you bent it too far, maybe it would just pop apart, spraying water everywhere of course, but you could just snap it back together. And when you're pulling the chain straight, it wouldn't be a problem because the tension is holding the joints together.
scad mientist, Apr 28 2023

       //Loc-line is interesting, but that snaps apart, right?//   

       I don't know, but let's assume so.
You could make it not do that by making the segments 'C' shaped, with the connections on the insides. Add a connector around the other side, like a carabiner, and I suppose they're sort of like chain links. Sort of.

       But still, I doubt it's worth it. The fluid's route is more convoluted and hence the pressure-drop would be higher, and the off-axis tension puts more strain on each link.
Loris, Apr 28 2023

       It surprises me that the intelligent contributers here cannot so easily understand the simplicity of the HoseChain and realise its uniqueness and clear advantages.
xenzag, Apr 28 2023

       Maybe we need a picture. In my first two main paragraphs I described what I thought you had intended. If not please elaborate.
scad mientist, Apr 28 2023

       This idea is interesting but also stupid, which by my standards makes it an exceptionally good halfbakery idea, so [+]   

       It is interesting because it seems obviously possible, you could build it at home with simple tools, and you can imagine it working fine, and simultaneously you know that it will leak, break, and generally be far inferior to a normal chain with a a normal hosepipe threaded alternately though the links or attached to them with parcel tape.   

       I would make this by purchasing a length of loc-line. Use a hacksaw to slice through each piece at the narrowest point; this gives you your box of balls and sockets. You also need to purchase loops of plastic tube - I am struggling to find something, I am thinking each loop could be a pair of U-joints fitted together, or you could make a continuous close spiral of metal tube using a pipe-bender and then cut along the spiral to make loads of slightly open circles.   

       Then you cut or file a pair of holes in the opposite inside faces of the loops, you intersect two loops and seal them, and you glue or stick the relevant halves of the dismembered loc-line onto the holes.
pocmloc, Apr 29 2023

       Hmm... are you wanting a hose that looks chain-like (ie. more hose-ish); or a chain that can also transfer fluid (ie. more chain-ish)?
My take: have the fluid flowing through every SECOND link, connected by a small length of hose in the centre of (& protected by) the "non flow" link. Will give more chain-like flexibility, while still being hosey.
neutrinos_shadow, Apr 30 2023

       I like that [neutrinos_shadow]. It also makes it so the water doesn't have to backtrack as much
scad mientist, May 01 2023

       All metal chainhose can deliver boiling water or other caustic substances that would damage any rubber or plastic hose. It will also withstand much greater pressures than any equivalent diameter hose, yet still coil up easily.
xenzag, May 01 2023

       Now an all metal one is a good idea, except for the "looks like a chain" part. But I bet a hose consisting of a series of ball joints has already been invented. It looks like steel wrapped rubber or flexible plastic is the current hose of choice for this application.
Voice, May 01 2023


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