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World record theme park
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Complement the Guinness world record museums with spectator venues where contenders, by themselves or competitively, can break world records. Instead of just viewing displays and media presentations, visitors could watch, and in some cases participate, in record attempts in a stadium or other arena. For example, one could view two high-wire artists competing to live for the longest period on the wire, see an endurance drummer starting into his second day, join in the world's largest number of break dancers or assist in setting up dominoes for a world record in toppling. Afterwards one could munch part of the just completed world's longest sandwich and the world's largest ice cream sundae before driving home in the world's longest traffic jam.
FarmerJohn, Jun 17 2002

Guinness World Records Attractions http://www.guinness.../Default.asp?bhcp=1
Here's what they've already done [polartomato]

History of the Guiness Book http://www.guinness..._pages/AboutUs.html
The McWhirters were asked to compile it by the director of the brewery. [polartomato, Jun 17 2002, last modified Oct 21 2004]

History of the Guiness Book http://www.guinness..._pages/AboutUs.html
The McWhirters were asked to compile it by the director of the brewery. [krelnik, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]

Busch Gardens http://www.buschgardens.com
Theme parks featuring a much less palatable brew [krelnik, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]


       I bet it would be great if they could rack up record attendance.
polartomato, Jun 17 2002

       I was rather hoping this would be a theme park dedicated to a thick, smooth, cold, dark beverage.
sappho, Jun 17 2002

       Me too. As in thats what I was hoping also, not as in this is a me too. burble burble blah
IvanIdea, Jun 17 2002

       What sappho said
thumbwax, Jun 17 2002

       What thumbwax said - (except that such an idea would be frowned on here because of its similarity to the Simpsons' "Duff Gardens" episode).
hippo, Jun 17 2002

       What hippo said (Mmmmm... Guinness)
Guy Fox, Jun 17 2002

       //similarity to the Simpsons' "Duff Gardens" episode//   

       I don't see why that's a problem. Duff Gardens was a spoof of Busch Gardens, theme parks in the U.S. that are run by the same company that makes Budweiser and so on. (See link)   

       I think it would be great if the Guinness Brewery did something similar, then I could entertain the kiddies and not have to drink crappy American beer while there.   

       And it's not just a pun, because the record book is in fact named for the brewery---see link.
krelnik, Oct 30 2002

       What [Guy Fox] said.
XSarenkaX, Oct 30 2002

       It's probably going to be expensive, because their giving away free food (like the giant sandwichs and sundaes.) Plus, theme parks mostly feature RIDES, not watching other people do stuff while you wait and dedice your bored. Most parks have a lot of rides and 1 to 4 shows. Besides, there is quite a racket when somebody breaks a record. I know. I was there the same day Team Guinness (a fantastic bowling team) broke the world record for most pins knocked down in 24 hours. The number of pins was so high, I lost count. Anyways, here's a fishbone to you.
croissantz, Aug 22 2004

       //a theme park dedicated to a thick, smooth, cold, dark beverage //   

       Baked: Ireland.
shibolim, Aug 22 2004

       Just had to rebun this since I've just managed to get into the old GBOWR meself. Oh and <shibolim> there is more to Ireland than Guinness... some pubs have peanuts too.
etherman, Jul 20 2005

       Go on then - what record do you hold?
hippo, Jul 20 2005

       I broke the record once for flipping quarters off my elbow, but then my brother did four more than I. Crap.   

       And of course there were no official observers. Crap some more.
elhigh, Jul 21 2005

       //I bet it would be great if they could rack up record attendance.//   

       Bun, just for [polartomato] saying that.
froglet, Jul 21 2005


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