If a young child is playing up and there doesn't seem to be recourse, how about the gesture of placing the fingers of a slap hand on the back of the other hand. This will indicate to other noticing parents that they can come and speak to the child.
The strange adult would say things like What are
you doing? why aren't you obeying your parent? I not happy with the way your acting. Behave.
Hopefully the shock of a complete and utter stranger saying these things will shock the child into being more obedient and turn to the parent for answers about this new and shocking strange adult behaviour. The child's reaction would depend on age and development and would be a rightful parent's call. This signal would have to be a parental undergound
knowledge, learnt from Plunket, playgroups and cafe moments.
The parent in need can then subtly thank the rescuer and be on watch for other parents in need to return the favour.
Hopefully the child isn't precocious enough that the stranger has to signal.