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sake bombs

heat your japanese sake to 42 degrees exactly, every time
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the japanese drink, sake, can be drunk hot or cold. hot sake kicks ass, but heating the sake to the right temperature is often a problem... just last night after a couple of appropriately heated sake's, we accidentally boiled some (very sucky sake). Cheap sake' is almost undrinkable cold, but very nice hot.

so, the idea is to make little glass beads that initially float on the surface of the sake. As you heat the sake, the relative density of the water decreases. When the sake is 42 degrees, the sake bead drops to the bottom with a delicate 'clunk' sound.

i've seen this concept used before in a thermometer that my parents have, where there are a few glass beads in a glass tube - each glass bead has a temperature written on it (20 degrees, 22 degrees, 24 degrees - CELSIUS). Depending on what the actual temperature is, some of the beads sink (the ones indicated temperatures below the actual temperature) and the other beads float (the ones indicating temperatures above the actual temperature)

manufacturing the beads is easy - you try to get the air bubble inside the bead the right size, then you put them in a vat and heat it to 42 degrees, keeping the ones that behave correctly

it's not necessary to flame me if the beads will *rise* at the right temperature instead - i'm not sure if it's the thermal expansion of the water or the glass that allows these beads to be created. If they did sink when they got hotter than 42 degrees, then it would be good for the clunking sound & also ease of drinking.

mmueller, Feb 14 2002

Sake guru speaks on microwave heating http://www.hakutsur...om/content/071.html
apparently it is good to put foil around the top of the tokkuri to heat it evenly ... [mmueller, Feb 15 2002, last modified Oct 04 2004]


       I'm guessing that you want to make your glass balls from a bakeable and microwaveable glass material...Otherwise you really are likely to have Sake Bombs.
jurist, Feb 15 2002

       he he yes i didn't think of that... We heat our sake in a pot on a small camping burner in the lounge...
mmueller, Feb 15 2002

       I'm probably not as fussy an afficionado of Sake as you are, mmueller, so I just tend to use the microwave. 30 secs at 1000 watts for one serving;45 secs for two servings. (Disclaimer: Your microwave may differ.) Not as elegant a solution as yours, but the sake never boils and the bell from the microwave always wakes me if I happen to get engrossed in other endeavors.
jurist, Feb 15 2002

       interesting, well we could write on the bombs "for convection-based heating only, do not put me in the microwave - use 15 seconds + 15 per serving @ 1000W instead"   

       i bet that sake connoisseurs out there would argue that microwaved sake doesn't taste right...   

       what about something that you can't cook in the microwave - like custard? stir it on the stove until the bead sinks?
mmueller, Feb 15 2002

       I don't know about you, but I don't like the idea of having small ingestible (but inedible) beads in my drinks. I especially don't think it would be a very smart idea if you're going to have people getting drunk; I can see thousands of lawsuits when people choke on them.
Macwarrior, Mar 03 2003

       i used to work at a japanese restaurant and they had a machine that would heat up the sake for you. i was wondering if anyone had any info on where to get one of these machines. please help! thanx!!
psykho, Apr 25 2003

       loveitloveitloveitloveit loveitloveitloveitloveit
Voice, Apr 23 2010

       I agree the idea is fun, but as the voice of the " sake connoisseurs ", cheap sake is drank hot to mask the cheap flavors, the stomach and head the day after is unchanged.   

       Good sake hot is apparently sacrelige, but I still do it on rainy days.   

       Microwaving does make it taste funny, and the sake machines that keep it at temp for long periods of time degrade it as well.   

       Life is so challenging...   

       [mmueller] posted this idea and one comment in 2002 and was never heard from again. Tragic sake bomb accident?
normzone, Apr 23 2010


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