Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
If ever there was a time we needed a bowlologist, it's now.

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food: alcohol
Subcategories of "food: alcohol":
Frozen Wine 

Ideas are sorted alphabetically.
Ideas in bold have been created this week.
 (+2)  Activated Charcoaltini 
 (+5, -1)  Alco-Shakes 
   Alcoholic Non-alcoholic Beverage 
 (+4, -3)  "Amazing Still" v2.0 
 (+6, -1)  Au Jus Martini 
 (+3, -5)  Automatic Wine 
 (+8)(+8)  Beer goggle correctors 
 (+8)(+8)  Booze Pop-up Hepatometer 
   Butanolic Beverages 
 (+3, -2)  Caffeinated Liquor 
 (+1)  Chemistry Bar 
 (+2, -7)(+2, -7)  Chewing gum scented alcoholic beverage 
 (+2)  Cocktail dunkers 
 (+5)  Cocktail dunking biscuits 
 (+7, -8)  Cocktail Mice 
 (-1)  Color-based drinks 
 (+2, -4)  colostomy wine oh 
 (+2, -3)  Cosmonaut Icecream 
 (+2)  Daiquiri Mix In A Tube 
 (+4, -1)  D.I.Wino 
 (+2)  Eye of the Tornado Gin 
 (+3)  Gaseous alcohol 
   Glen Noctis 
 (+9, -1)(+9, -1)  Grassohol 
 (+2, -10)(+2, -10)  Instant Alcohol 
 (+6, -1)  Instant sobriety 
 (+3)  Irish Coffee Holder 
 (+2, -4)  Keralan Kocktails 
 (+8, -2)  Legally Drunk Party 
 (+12, -1)(+12, -1)  Liquor Man 
   Low-calorie liquor 
 (+6, -1)  Mad Professor Cocktail Mixer 
 (+1, -3)  Many Worms Mescal 
 (+1)  Moderator Belt 
   Morning enemalarm 
 (+2)  New Normal Wine 
 (+3, -1)  Numbered Beverage Party System 
 (+4, -2)  NutriBooze 
 (+2, -4)  order drinks with iphone 
 (+2, -5)  Pre-Shot Strips 
 (-3)  real food flavored alcohol. 
   Registered Alcohol Savings Plan 
 (+2)  Rum in chewables 
 (+5)  sake bombs 
 (+2)  Schnapple 
 (+6, -2)  Smirnoff Icee Ice, Arctic Blast 
 (+2)  Straw-powered Screwdriver 
 (+6, -1)  tequila peppers 
 (+2, -4)  The Inebriator 
 (+4)  The Nobleman's Cloak 
 (+4, -1)  The Santa Claus 
 (+1, -12)(+1, -12)(+1, -12)  Tipsygargle 
 (+3)  Toilet Bowl Bidet Non-Stick Spritzer2 
 (+2)  Transdermal Beer Patch 
 (+22)(+22)(+22)  Vodka/Gin Olives 
 (+3)  Voodoo Drinking Buddy 
 (+5, -1)  Wagtail Cocktail Bar 
 (+6, -1)  Whisky Hammer 
   Wine Patch 
 (+9)(+9)  Yard of cocktail 
 (+6, -7)  yard of eggnog 


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