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wet ready

waterproof electronics self test hardware
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A module inside the waterproof device consisting of a control chip, a modified speaker and a modified mic.

The speaker's diaphram has a sealed back and is like the sealed vessel in a barometer. Electronic control of the speaker will alter its volume and change the pressure inside the device. If all the device's seals are Ok, the mic will register the pressure change.

The device uses the module to self test and vet whether a swim will be detrimental and give an appropriate signal.

An idea because I have been looking at waterproof cameras.

wjt, May 01 2010


       A good identification of a need. +   

       Might there be simpler/cheaper methods using hygroscopic chemicals?
csea, May 01 2010

       csea: I assume those hygroscopic chemicals detect the presence of water? In that case, it would be too late to save the device. This speaker/microphone setup detects whether the seal is good before the device gets wet.
notexactly, May 01 2010

       This is a brilliant idea! I can imagine this being made as a small component and widely used. Does anything similar exist?
MaxwellBuchanan, May 01 2010

       Bigs - I think the idea is as follows. You have (say) a camera which is meant to be watertight. You need to test it.   

       The test module is build into the camera. When activated, it creates a pressure pulse inside the camera. If the camera is not watertight (at least, airtight), the pressure will leak out. A sensor (also inside the camera as part of the module) will be able to detect if the pressure pulse leaks out of the camera, and alert the user that the camera is not air-tight (and hence not water-tight).
MaxwellBuchanan, May 01 2010

       Some seal designs are directional; they actually rely on pressure differential to "close" them tighter, and exhibit limited resistance to flow in the reverse direction. Some "knife-edge" wiping seals are a prime example.   

       Therefore, applying a positive pressure to the interior of the device will not necesarily confirm or disprove seal effectiveness and integrity.
8th of 7, May 01 2010

       So apply a negative pressure if that's the case?   

       And I think this is one of those ideas that I was trying to refind within the past year or two. Now if only I could remember what I was trying to refind it for…
notexactly, Apr 09 2019


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