Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
There goes my teleportation concept.

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william (wj.tait@xtra.co.nz)

I really haven't got the words or understanding to explain the real truth of my footprint in the universe. My level of physics is undergraduate and I advocate for Descartes' Sesame Street principles - there, not there. I currently earn my ticket to society via Habitat For Humanity Greater Auckland NZ. I am a minor investor in INVNTD's gullyVent. Open mindedness, extrapolation and the emotion of being wrong, keeps me alive.

Sciences are the stepping stones to make the impossible possible.

Stepping out of the box and looking back with a totally different metaphor/reference frame sometimes gives a unparalleled clarity.

No touch, no transfer so ultimately our future is relies on us helping each other out.

I'm vary sparse with my buns (croissants), There's a lot of good ideas but the world is fill of stuff and I try to bun stuff I might actually buy, use or I consider truly good for humanity.

Favourite Dr Who episode: The Empty Child Touchwood episode: Adrift

Bottomline "I tried to stay low to look up"

[Oct 04 2004, last modified Feb 10 2019]

(+2, -5) _ --
(+4) &#916jar
(+3) A cute arty track
(+3) a search for G.U.F.F.
(+3) a sound car
 Accessible Way Out Law
(-1) account evaporation
(+4) Actual soldering pen
(+2, -1) Advent candle
(+3) aeroyachting
 AI Power tractor with slip diff Idea
(+3) Alcohol plimsoll
(+6) alcohol profile number
(+5, -1) all clear
(-1) All Colour's wide
(+3) all fields forming
(+6) an info field
(+3) Anchorbite
(+1) argument vennestration
(+2) art of the pop
(+12)(+12) ArtHit
(+1) arty darts
 associated colour
 atomic freshness
(+2) attention spans
(+3) augmented Sports views
(+1, -2) Auto-indicators
(+3) Ballet of H and O
(+2) bare all
(+1) Bareroad
(+4) bathroom bifocus light
(+3) biasing money
(+4, -1) big blue computation
(+7) blades of cityscape
(+4) block of dominite
 blockbuster exposé
 bot checking bot
(+1) bottom up design
(+2) bouncy brick experiments
 bowing man
(+1) Box office record?
(+4, -2) breakable inner tube
(+1) bubbled magnet
(+4) bubblehead
 button mushrooms
(+3) capp
(+1) car,driver as one
(+13, -1)(+13, -1) carpet monsters
(+14, -1)(+14, -1) casting lava
(+1) catamaran oceanliner
(+8, -1) cellular mathmos
(+1) clear gun
(+1) Clip bearing
(+4) Clocked
(+3) clown squad
(+1) colour of our world
(+2) colourful blanks
(+8)(+8) combinational Chess II
(+4) Completed Internet Percentage
(-1) Comus as top job
(+2) Conc limit
(+9, -2) cooking with music
(+9)(+9) Cough test
(+2, -1) Covid Games
(+1, -3) credit where credit isn't due
(+4) crispwords
(+2) cross scribble
(+2) Crush procedure
(+1) crushingly good origami
(+6) Cubbyscope
(+7) Cuebert text
(+1) curvy holding
(+4) Cutdrill
(+1) cyclic tunes
(+3) Dashsynth
(+1) Dataspores
(+1) Death topography
(+4) death warrant
(+4, -3) decorating our-space
 delam vacuum cell
(+1) delayed Peanut brittle
(+1) density of kinky
(+5, -1) design by toying
(+1) dipped knees
(+3) direction of spin
(+2) distantonym
(+1) divy-sub
(+3) dolphin meme
(-1) draughting rockets
(+2) drive CPU's
(+3) Dropball
 drunk usering
(+4) drunken touches
(+2) Duns
(+1) duo-jig
(+1) dynamic skate park
(+2) E-spike
(+1) E-view
(+4) ears on the wrist
(+4) edgy body
(+5) Einstein's rubber
(+1) Elevator Envy
 Escher's wick
(+10)(+10) everybody is different
(+2) excitement wean
(+2) extra pieces
(+1) extra Vat
(+6) eye2eye
 fact crunchers
(+1, -2) Failure Point.
(+13)(+13) family jigsaw
(+2) Firebird exercise
(+6) Fixable
(+4) flame stick
 floppy plates
(+2) FLUED wire
(+1) fluffer
(+3) follow me sucker
(+2) for 915
(+1) force in design
(-1) Fountain of youth
 free Lotto
(+4) full fan blades
(+3) gassified...yeah
(+1) Geeee.....sus
(+4, -2) genesis rights
(+2) get it done electioneering
(+4, -1) giant hairbrush
(+1) Gib (sheetrock) screw
(+3) gift to dedicated fans
(+2) Global city
(+2) gold foil time
(+3) grabby
(+3) grip pad
(+1, -3) Grouch count
(+5, -1) ground fairies
(+3) Halo tanker
(+3) hatred cutting humour
(+1) Hazard Com
 head stripper
(+4) hearty
(-2) heavier rocketing
(+1) herding horn
(+1) hilt edge driver bit
(+8)(+8) historic specs vault
(+1) holistic field?
 home weather
(+3) Homemade cakes
(+3) hotrocks heater
(+5) hovercycling
(-2) how much we don't know
(+3) how subtle is subtle?
(+1) html portal
(+2) huffing for life
(+2) hulawasher
 hush cup
 Imagination facarde*
 infinite opens
(+1) Interment Flight
(+1) Is it different enough?
(+3, -1) iShade
(+7) 'It's the pink one'
(+1) judge
(+2) kill-zoned arrow
(-1) knit something
 label the point
(-4) last word
(+5) lava cmd
 lazy universe
 lead textures
(+2) ledge puzzle art
 Lego wavetable
(-1) less dense chips
(+1) lifting change
(+4, -1) little windows everywhere
(-2) loaf -evelope- envelope
(-2) lobed borders
(+6) lossy numbers
(+3) loving the ugly part
(+3) Lung parenchyma wash
(+5) magna-access
(+1) magnetic framing
(+2) magnitude mathematique
 marginal sums
 marked whole
(+3) mass extinction
(-2) Micro array blood test
 micro-local time zone
(+1) Miller's
 missing gristle
(+3) mite whine
(+2) ModConnect
(+2) Motion Schematic
(+6) mousey
(+4) mud spoon
(+1) mud tack
(+2) murder dogs
(+2) nailtape
(+1) Net etiquette
(-3) new room under sun
(+1) Norma
 NoUS (No User System)
(-1) Nuclear meltdown tomb
(+2) nutty ants
(-1) nutty numbers
(+1) ocean kill
(+7) Of glimpses
(+1) off the beaten path
(+4) Olympic slowest weight lift
(+1) On the clock
(+1) one hand clapping
(+1) one photon slit experiment
(+2) only size matters
(+3) oobricks
 open annotate
(+1) optiblob
(+8)(+8) Optitape
(+7) pachinco exercise
(+4, -2) peepholes
(+3) perfection mistake
(+2) personal space
(+1) perturbed slit experiments
(-1) PIC free choice
 pig bladder
(+2, -1) pill for the burn
(+1) pointe jewel
(+4) poprocks paint
(+1, -2) pot-black
 powered trampoline surface
 pre-control control
(+3) pre-play
(-2) Proper black hole
(+2) proper (sticking)plaster
(+2) pseudo or all light laser
(+1) Public truth, no take backs
(+1, -3) QPU
 Quantum competitive debating
 rainbow bounce
(-1) Random support scolarship
(+2) rare spider
(+4) reality jigsaw
 Red rent
(+3) releasable vacpack
(-2) Religion with Complexity
(+3) Remote Maker space
(-1) reverse doppler siren
 rocket tube
 row up a tangle
(+5) S-LED
(+2) sadness at wisdom loss
(+4) Santa bar
(+1) say
(+4) school project
(+1) sculptured pressure bandage
(+3) sea urchin bathysphere
(+1) sector exchange
(+4) Segue
(-3) Self promotion ban
(+8)(+8) serious holiday ride
(+8)(+8) serving wibbly wobbly
(+10)(+10) shaking calm
(+3, -1) shape player
(+6) shaped flavour
(+2) sharps
 Sherwood nails
(+2) Shock First Aid
(+2, -4) shot obfuscator
(+8)(+8) shredded nerve
(+1) sign of the tides
(+3, -1) skydive
(+6) skynumbers
(+1) slice-off
(+1) slip spot
(+1) slither cut
(+1) smelly rotten apple
(+1) smelly time, a post canid degree
(+5) smile mirror
(+1) soft jube print
(+1) solar facade
 soul-ubility and gel-elation
(+3) sound profiler
(+3) span nails
(+4, -1) special
(+1) special votes
(+1) spiro-stir
(+10)(+10) splat'n'nator
(+3) spoonful of cut glass
(-1) spot prise
(+4) spot prize
 spur on spot
(+3) Stab in the dark
(+6) stately dishwasher
(+8)(+8) steering wheel odometer
(+1) sticky clusters
(+12)(+12) sticky tennis racket
(+2) still energy
(+1) stirrings
 stoichiometry geometry
(+5) story reclaim
 stranger shock control
 stretched gloves
(+5) surprise rest
(+4) symmedentology
(+7) tailforce
 tails for electrons
(+5) Teddy bees
(+1) tensioned measure
(+21)(+21)(+21) the color of battery
 the edge registry
(+2) the genie's bottle
(-1) The infinite tiler problem
(+5) the lickable
 the oneness
(+5) The other spin pattern
(+4) the other three
 the papers
(+2) The plate
(+3) the question
(+3) the tossed key
(+2) thinning exit
(+1) Thought dance
(+1) Time-bomb
(+2) timeout
(-1) tinted porn spectacles
(-1) Titled Genius
(+2) trackblade
 traffic smoother
(+1) Tramping
(+8)(+8) transparent walls
(+4) treadwater
(+1) trick soap
(+2) TVshhh
(+1, -2) twin's absolute time*
 twisted movie of the book
(+6) two dongles
 ultimate ice pack
(+4) ultimate junkbox
(+2) ultrastill
(+3, -4) underwater drive
(+3, -9)(+3, -9) Vacs Elite
 Variable permanent magnet 2
(+2, -7)(+2, -7) vehicular wire
 very close unsafe
 very local calling
(+3) very very subtle
(+2) Vets are for vetting
(+6) vibewall
(+5) virtual roar
(-1) waiting for butterfly
(+3) wall sprinkler
(+2) warpie
 water spike
 wave action normal
(+1) weighty lawyers
(+7) wet ready
(+3) Wetmesh
(+3) Whale Dive
(+1) Where is that file?
(+3) whole entity completion state
(+3) wiffless
(+1) wind belt
 window onto a glacier
(+2, -1) Without
(+2) word stats
(+2) Workshop bed
(+1) worst case scenario
(+3) yee-horse
 Yoda sentences
(+2, -1) Zip tin

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