Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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food: bread
Subcategories of "food: bread":
Ingredient    Shape    Sliced 

Ideas are sorted alphabetically.
Ideas in bold have been created this week.
 (+4)  3D Printed Croissants 
 (+11, -1)(+11, -1)  A Breadular meal 
 (+10, -3)  Agency-Issued Bread Protection Cages 
 (+3, -1)  All Crust Bread! 
 (+14)(+14)  All Heel Loaf 
 (+3, -1)  A real halfbakery 
 (+1, -3)  Auxetic foam loaf 
 (+2)  baguette machine 
 (+1)  Booger Bakery 
 (+2, -1)  bread calculator 
 (+2, -4)  Bread, crustless 
 (+3)  Bread kneader 
 (+14)(+14)  Bread Pen 
 (+1, -5)  Bread refrigerator 
 (+3, -1)  Bread Zeppelin - The Hindenburg Version 
 (+4)  continuously cast baked goods 
 (+2, -1)  French Stick Telescope 
 (+1)  Fresh Bake Bagels 
 (+4)  Fresher-Longer 
 (+8)(+8)  Green bread tie 
 (+3, -1)  Helix Croissant Loaf 
 (+2, -1)  Matzoh Playing Cards 
 (+7)  Mobile Bakery Van 
   Multiple Loaf Bread Machine 
 (+25, -2)(+25, -2)(+25, -2)  Naan Machine 
   Pita bread chimneys 
 (+8)(+8)  Spray Dough 
 (+6)  Super-Long Bread 
 (+2)  Sustainable Breadcrumbs 
 (+10, -6)  Tiny, sealed tacos 
 (+4, -7)  Toast Perforator 
 (+6, -1)  Toastie Bread Balls 


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