Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Clearly this is a metaphor for something.

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My name is Dan. My e-mail address is dgeiser13@gmail.com.

[Aug 22 2000, last modified Oct 30 2015]
(+1, -2) Alternate Idea Name Annotation Field
(+13, -2)(+13, -2) Codpieces and Other Ancient Fashion Statements
(+4, -1) Combine All Candy-Based Holidays
(+5, -1) Confessionals for Non-Catholics
(+13, -2)(+13, -2) Cooperative Shipping Service by Individuals
(+11, -13) 'Death' Section in Newspapers
(+3, -9)(+3, -9) Famous Anus
(+17, -2)(+17, -2) Feynmania!
(+6, -3) Halfbakery-Brand Bread
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(+68, -19)(+68, -19)(+68, -19) New Curse Words
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(-7)(-7) Presidential Clone
(+5, -2) Reading Glasses
 "Real" Fire Hydrants
(+4, -3) Relationship Idea Box
(+9, -2) "Shower Scum" Eating Organism
(+7) Smellproof and/or Soundproof Public Restrooms
(+6, -2) Support Group for Computer Professionals
(+17, -25)(+17, -25) Suppress Your Sex Drive: Get More Things Done!
(+3, -1) "Take A Penny" Exchange Network
(+4, -1) The Melanoma
(+6, -1) The "TV of Yesteryear" Channel
(+2, -18)(+2, -18)(+2, -18) Transparent-Walled Public Restroom Stalls

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