Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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I like coffee and music, and I am a closet fascist. Please no more fishbones on "Long Distance Laser Engraver"

[Apr 24 2009, last modified Jan 11 2010]
(-12)(-12)(-12) Actual Atheism
 Alcoholic Non-alcoholic Beverage
(+3) American
 Astronomic Molecules
(+1) Belief History
(+4, -1) Economic Policy Panties
(-1) Forever Non-Password Field Detecting iPhone
(+1) Fractal Music
(+2, -3) Gabriel's Porn
(+2, -4) Harmonically Pure Equal Temperament
(+1, -4) Head Pay
(+1) Historical Package Moth
(+4, -3) iAce
(+11, -2)(+11, -2) infrared projections
(+3, -1) Intelligence
(+6) Intelligent rain
(+2, -4) Invention Misspeller
(+7, -4) leslie gyroscope
(+2, -1) Music of Aging
 Musical Road Monitor
(-1) optical optical decoupler
(-2) Parking Slob Alert
(+1) Ping Exchange
(+12)(+12) Pipe organ whammy bar
 Punchline Hoquetus
(+8, -4) recumbent sound laminator
 Renewable Solar
(+4) Rhythmic Tonality
 Rich Suicide Bombers
(+1, -4) Security by conspicuousness
(+2) Seesaw Landscaping Stream
(+3, -10)(+3, -10) simulated acoustics road communication
 Solar powered crude extraction
(+7, -3) traffic forecast
 typewriter printer
(+4, -1) Versioning Pea Hen
(+2, -1) water organ

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