
[Dec 18 2004, last modified Mar 10 2017]

3D Facebook (+1)
3D holiday light display (+5, -1)
3D Magnetic Chain Mail (-2)
3D Math for people who are Blind (+2, -4)
3d-printed MRI-scan brain-shape pen (+1)
3D SculptingScanner (0)
6th Sense Developer (+2, -1)
A Band with Shoulder Pads (0)
Abraham vs Santa Clause (0)
Accessibility Terrorism (+2, -6)
AccessibilityFail (+3)
Accessible Curiosity (+1)
Accessible I Ching (+1, -1)
Accessible Match 3 (+1)
Accessiblizer (+1, -1)
Acronym Soup (0)
Ad-block Shades (+3)
Ad Strategy Database (+6)
Adaptive Creepy Vine Baseball Bat (+2)
Adaptive Flapping Shuttlecock (+2)
Adaptive Fractal Tetracopter (+1, -1)
Adaptive Shocking (-4)
Adaptive Turbine (-1)
Adaptive Two-way Flappy Bird (+1)
ADD Blinder (+5, -2)
Adult Flying Hoppity Hop (+2)
Aerodynamic Batbrella Rain-glider (+4)
Aerodynamic Juggling Sleeves (+2, -1)
Af-phrone Pick (+1)
Affective Library Service (+1, -1)
Aflopalypse Now (-1)
Aggregator Aggregator (+4, -1)
Agree-bot (+3, -3)
Ah Culus! (+1)
AI short form conversationer (+1)
Air Hook (+1, -2)
Air Mouse (+2)
Air punctuation (0)
Air Sculpture (+11, -1)
Algorithmic Person Shape (0)
Alimentarios (+4, -2)
Alternative Book Ending (+10, -2)
Alternative "View" Movie Theater (+5, -1)
Amazon Autopilot (-1)
Anonymous Cuddle Porn (0)
Anoyathon (+3)
Anthro-wear (+2, -1)
Anti-Husbandry Book (+1, -1)
AntiChristmas (+3, -5)
App Library for the Blind (+2, -2)
Apple Watch Spider-Man-Web-Shooter interface (+1)
Apps that Age (+3)
Archetype Titillator (+1, -2)
Art-iculate (0)
artificial vocal chords (+2)
Ass/Elbow Recognition (+3)
Assistive Technology Surveillance Payment Plan (+1)
Atheist Energy Extraction (-2)
Atmosphere-going sailing ship (+12, -9)
AtomBomb wireframe sunglasses (+3)
audio and tactile emoticons (0)
Audio Locater Beacons (+2)
AudioGestureTrainer (0)
Auditory Chat Room (+3, -4)
Auditory Environmental Interaction (+2)
Auto-Flagger (0)
Automatic poop praiser (+2, -3)
Autonomous Flapping Tetrahedron (+2)
Back to the Trees (+1)
Backseat Seatbelt lock Puzzles and Usability (0)
Backwards News (-1)
Bacteria Water (0)
Bagpipe Goggles (+2)
bang zoom om (+3)
Bass Siren (+4, -4)
BassGuiDruMcrophone (-1)
Be My Ass (+2, -2)
Beastie Bus (0)
Beat-feel naming convention (0)
Beetle Mandible Body Modification (+3)
Beheading Laughtracks (+1)
Bejewelled Recognition System (+2, -2)
Belt-Tie (+3)
Big House-Looking Building (+12, -1)
BigArtWall (-1)
Binary Sudoku (+3, -8)
Bio-graph (0)
Black and white pianokey guitar fretboard (+17)
Black Hat Cathedrals (-1)
BlackHole Pairs (+1)
Blank Touch Screen Portraits (0)
Blind-Asian Alliance (0)
Blind Book (+1)
Blind Takeover (0)
Blindocracy (0)
Blonde Haired People Look Like Gold (+1, -5)
Blue/Red skin color analyzer (0)
Body Knitting (0)
Bone Drone (-2)
Booger Bakery (+1)
Bouncy Clown Flower Recharger (+1, -1)
Bouncy Fractal Coat Rack (+1, -1)
Boxer, Fascia, Twin Towers (0)
Braco gaze trainer (+1)
Braille Browsing Library (0)
Brain Language (-1)
Breaking Heart Machine (+1)
Breasts, Butts 'n Babies (+5, -2)
Broken Stuff TM (0)
Brush your teeth for 15 minutes (+1, -4)
Bug-Fighting Roughies (-2)
BumNet (+2, -1)
Bureau of Trash (+5)
Burka Hoodie (+2)
Bus Seat Scores (0)
Bus Stop Meditation Kiosks (+1)
Butt Box Backpack (+2)
Butt Trumpet (+3)
Butter Popscicle (+3, -2)
Buttheart (-4)
Buttsages (0)
C.U.R.E (+1)
Caligraphic Musical Notation (+1)
Candy Crush Backrub (+1, -1)
Candy Crush Epitaph (+4)
CantWeAllJustGetAlong (+2, -2)
Car Horn Flame Thrower (+6, -1)
Car Points (+5)
Carrot-Hiccup Killer (+1)
Carrot Monster (+5, -2)
Cartoon Algorithm (+1, -1)
Cartoonbody T-shirt (+7)
CartoonyDesignPrinciple (+5)
Cat-lovers' BokChoy-eating Forum (-2)
Cat-muff (+7)
Celebrate New Years on June 21 (+1)
Cell-Phone-Addiction-Breaking App (-1)
Cell Phone Interrupt Database (+1, -10)
Cereal Killer (+1, -1)
Chair Bells (+2)
Chaotic Hammock (+2)
Chaotic Playground (+5)
Chiral Disco-ometry Dance Yoga Practice (+1)
Christsicle (+19, -5)
Church of Disease (+2)
Church of no pipes (+1, -2)
Cigaretteaphone (+2)
Click Hole Invaders (-1)
Co-inkydink (+5, -2)
Coffee Cup Sunglasses (+7)
Coffee Water Drying 3D Printer (+3)
Color People (-6)
Commercials not Solos (+3)
Computer Bull Horn (0)
Computer Game that teaches music and art (+3)
Cone Sphericon Wing (-2)
Continuum Speed Windshield Wipers (+1)
Conversation About Itself (+4)
Conversation Ballance Display (+4)
Conversation Control (+2)
Conversation trough (+7)
Cornucopia Design (0)
Cornucopia-shaped Patio Chair (+2)
Correspondence Tables for Technology (-2)
Coughee, Cough-E (+1, -3)
Coy GPS (+2)
crazinator (+3, -1)
Crew Cuts for All (+1, -3)
<<crickets>> app (0)
Crisp Dust Slurry (+3, -4)
Crisp Dust Spout (+5)
Croissant Clicker (0)
Crucifish (+2)
Cure cancer with Duct Tape (0)
Cursor Ad Optimization (0)
Cursor Ads (+2, -2)
Danceosphere (+4, -1)
dancing-dot-o-phone (+2)
Dangerous Toys (0)
Dapple Resolver (0)
Database of Gestural Interaction (+5)
Dawn to Dusk 12 hour Clock (+1)
Dental Lessons (+2, -1)
Dept of defense air freshening system for train station public restrooms (0)
Descriptive Videoster (+1, -1)
DeskDot 3DPrinter (+1, -1)
DEvolution: the Video Game (0)
Dew Dew Optimiser (+1)
Direct Adaptive Library Service (+1)
disabakery (+14)
Disability Currency (-9)
Disability Mouse (0)
Disco on a Train (+1)
Diving with Wings (+6)
DIY table sculpture themed restaurant (+17, -1)
DIY Vocal Fry Subwoofization (-2)
Do your Chores Tube (+1, -1)
Dodecohedron Mono-racca (+1)
Dog Segways (0)
Door "Forearm"dle (+4)
Door Slam Encouraging System (0)
Double Enter (+5, -4)
Down-Time Website (+5)
Driveaspora (0)
Drone-mounted Egg Beater (+4, -1)
Drug and Porn Bombs (+1)
Drunk Guy sphericon toy (+5, -2)
Duck and cover 2 (-1)
Ducktape iPhone to water bottle (+4, -1)
Durlachoscope (+2)
E-smoke signals (+3)
E Z Game Overclocker (+1)
Ear hair clipper side view mirrors (+4, -1)
Earth Burger (+6)
Earth-sized Holiday Lights (+1)
Earthwide Squaredance (+1, -2)
Egg Shaker Biofeedback (0)
EggShakeItAll (+1)
El Kabong (-2)
Elbow Flush (+2)
Electric Astrojax Theremin (+2, -1)
Electric Feather Music (+1, -1)
Electric Fidget Cube (+2, -1)
electric resonating feedback harp organ (+4, -1)
Electro-green (+2)
Email Movie (+15, -3)
Emoti-cational or Not (+1)
Emoticons that age (+3)
Emotional suicide Ambulance massage network concert (+1, -1)
Emotive Audio Description (0)
emotive augmentative communication (+7)
End of the World Football (+5)
Enjoying Some Line (0)
Eructative Naming Convention (+3)
ESP Dating (+2, -1)
Everything comes from Assholes (+1, -4)
Everything is Upsidedown and Backwards (-4)
Execution Doll (+4, -2)
Extendo-universe (+1, -3)
Extinctive Taste (+3)
Extreme Pantaloon Skirt (+6)
Extreme Social (+3, -1)
Extreme Tennis Bot (+4, -1)
Eye Jousting (+1)
Eye-Music Feedback (+4, -2)
eye to eye mirror cam (+4)
Eyebrow Antlers (+10)
Eyelid Under-ads (+2)
eyend-ahnd scale (-1)
eyeTV (+1)
EZ Comp (0)
FaceBlood (+2)
Facebook Face Averager (+2)
Facebook Friend-Name Quiz (+8, -1)
Facebook Practical Joke Feature (+3, -1)
Facebook Vacation (+2)
FaceButt (-3)
FaceSearchAverage (+1)
Fakepersonophone (+2)
False Conservative Car Backs (+1)
Fast Slow Food (+9)
Fava Butter (+1)
Feather Propellor (-5)
Feathered Wingsuit (0)
feedback layer (+1)
Feedbackophone (+6)
Fidget Generator (+3)
FilaMental LampShade (+2, -1)
Firework Drone Screen (+4)
First Person Reality TV (+6, -1)
Fishbone Drone (-5)
Fisheart (-3)
Flapping Prototyper (-2)
Flappy Bird, the Rainbow Coalition (-2)
Flappy Man Suit (0)
Flappy Saccades (+2)
Flavored Celery (+6)
floob, yuzz, wum, um, humpf (0)
Flossophone (+3)
Flotating Raisins Toy (+2, -1)
Fly Neural Net (+1)
Fly-Perspective Romance (+1, -4)
Fly Wheel Cane (+2)
Fly Wheel Wing (-1)
Flying Spring (0)
Folding Bicycle/Unicycle (+6, -1)
Folding Pencil (+3)
Foldless Paper Airplane (+2)
Food Pill Playground Platform Subscription (-1)
Forehead Display (+2, -5)
Foreskin Armature Implant (+4, -2)
Fractal Wings (+2, -1)
Fry Ends (+2, -1)
Full-Body Crochet (+5)
Full Range Motion Recovery for Rapture (-3)
Functional Piercings (+11, -6)
Fungal Jesus (+1)
Funkin' Throw Nuts (+4)
Funkin' Thrownuts (0)
FunkThat (0)
Funktuation Marks (+5)
Game Death Ads (+3)
Game of Life Therapy (+3)
Game with smart music (+2)
Gamify Bejewelled (+2, -1)
GatCoin (+2)
Gatling Hood Flute (+9)
Gatling Whistle (+8)
Gay Chess (+5, -1)
Gayseball (-2)
Geeseplanes (+1)
Gender Wars Registry (+1, -3)
General Mapping (+2, -1)
Generation Z (-4)
Genius Queen-size Bed-making Strategy (+7)
Gentle Needle (+3)
GesticulationBook (+3)
Giant EcoChimney Sex Farm Rapture (+1)
Giant Fart Molecule (+4)
Giant Foam Kite (+1, -3)
Gitmocracy (0)
Global Accelerator (0)
Good Bad Restaurant (-1)
Good Guys Yogurt (+5, -2)
Good, You? (+5)
Google Atomic (+1, -1)
Google Condemn (+13)
Google Directions Movie (+1)
Google Drone Street View (0)
Google Ear Burning (+3)
Google Ear Horn (0)
Google Earth Current (+1, -2)
Google/FB Wellness (+2)
Google Imagine (+1)
Google Librarian (+1)
Google Library Shelf (+3)
Google Microscopic (+3, -2)
Google Private (+1, -5)
Google Psychiatrist (+10, -1)
Google Romance (+3)
Google Sims (+4, -4)
Google Sing (0)
Google Sound-out (+4)
Google Translate Mouse Hover Balloons (+9)
Google Value (+3)
Google Video Accessible (0)
Googleit Twitter app (0)
Gourd Gravity Grower (+5)
Green Burial (+9, -1)
Growlometry (+2)
GumCaps (+2, -1)
Gyrocharger (+4, -5)
HackBakery (+2)
hackspace at the public library (+2)
Haggler (0)
Half-Abstractery (0)
Half-heard genius engine (+10)
halfbakesphere (+5)
Halfbrary (+8)
Halfnakery (+6, -1)
Halteres Wear (+6)
Hammock Fin-oar-rudder (+1)
HamPhone (0)
Hand Shaped Wings (-1)
Hand Washing Ritual Database (+1)
Handed Figure 8 Glasses (+3)
Haphazard 3D Xmas display (+1)
Happy Dog Food Game (+1, -1)
Happy Meal Ticket (-4)
hardware touchscreen gesture delivery (+2)
Hardware Volume Control (+4)
Harmonic Porch Swing (0)
Harmonic Wing (0)
Hatevertising (+1, -2)
HChristian Screw (+3, -4)
Head Butt (+1, -1)
Head Exploding Contest (+4)
Head-mounted Eye-tracking Nerf Gun (+1)
Health Casino (+1)
HelloThere (+5, -1)
Hicky Tattoo (+1)
Hieros Gamos Football (0)
High Frequency Sound Monetization (-1)
Hipkeurig (+1)
Historical Video Gesture Dictionary (+10)
Historically Reconstructive Linguistic Anthropology (+1, -2)
Hixle Display (+4)
Hoodie Muff-phone Hood Neck-pillow (0)
Hooked kites for bird fishing (+12, -7)
HotChixMovie (+1, -5)
How many turns app (+4)
Hug a Smoker (+3, -4)
Hug Climate Change (-2)
Hug Uber (+2, -1)
Human Grazing Park (+11)
Human Hair Burka (0)
Human Proportioned Tools (+4, -2)
hyperbolic slither (+2, -1)
"I'm Happy" Speech Balloons (+12)
Idealized Body Parts (+4)
Inclusive UnKnitting Contest (0)
inconsistently reward people (+1)
Indoor Wind Chimes (+1)
Infinite Eyetracking Feedback Loop (+2)
Ingrown toenail calendar (+2)
Inspiration Wheelchair (+17)
Inspirational Music Eraser (+3)
International Butt Book Day (+1, -2)
Internet Advertising Puzzles (+2)
Internet Suck-Blow Nipple Cod-development (+2, -2)
Interruptotron (+3)
Intersectionality SWAT Team (-2)
Invisibejeweledity (+1)
IPad Wings (-1)
Irony Magnet (+1, -1)
ISP Money Vortex Project (+1)
It's beginning to smell a lot like fishbones (revised) (-11)
It’s OK to smoke (+4)
Itsnotjustcomplicated... (0)
Jamocracy (+2)
Johnny One-Note (+2)
JokerBeGone (+1)
Jugglers in space (+4, -1) hat (+2, -2)
Knot Wing (-2)
Lake Recognition (+11)
Language without pronouns (+2)
Last Suppers of the End Zimes (+1)
Layered Camera Work (0)
Left and Right Handed Backhoe (+2, -1)
Left and Right Handed Clothing (0)
Leg wings (+4, -1)
Lever-thopter (+1)
Liberachi Bob Marley guy (-2)
Liberty Belt (+8)
Library Alarm Decibel Meter (+4, -2)
Library Crank Off (+1)
Life the Video Game (-7)
LifePreserver (+1)
Literacy Popup Ad (+1)
Little Squeezy Mirror Cube (+1, -1)
Living Balls (+3)
Lo-tech 3D Mirror Glasses (+7)
Local cluster virtual environment (+1)
LoFiYoutube (+1, -2)
Lose your Soul (+3, -6)
Lotec Idea Generator (+1)
Lotechaphones (+1)
ludite audiophile singularity (0)
Lureology (-4)
Magariawa (+1)
Maglev Material (+1, -2)
Magnet Balloons (+3)
Magnetic Bomb-o-phone (+2, -4)
MagnificentPie (+1)
Makey Makey Emotion Amplifier (+1, -1)
Mall-et (+1)
Manta Ray Diving Suit (+15)
Marlinspiral (+3)
MaryMas (+2, -3)
Masturbating Reward System (MRS) (+2, -4)
Match 3 Teacher (+2)
Math Public Offering (+1)
MausRushmore (+2)
McDeerHunt's (+4, -2)
meat wine (+6, -13)
Mechanical Bejeweled (+5)
Megatasker (+2)
Memorials to Not-so-great People (+9)
Mercenary Hagglers (+4)
Mercenary Meta-Haggler (+2, -1)
Merry Cursemass (+1)
MesiahILF (+1)
MetaTexterface (+2)
MicrappleFacemazongle (+3)
Microaggression Analysis (+2, -1)
Microbiome Rehab (0)
Microexpression Correlator (0)
MicroGamePayments (+1)
MicroNoo (+1, -1)
Microweave (+1)
MIDI-Tempo-Map Advertising Standard (0)
Mild Mannered Bowl (+1, -1)
minimal Tower Defence (0)
Mirrored Goalie Mask (+1, -1)
Mirrored Hoodie Visor (+4, -3)
mobile e-meds (+1)
mobile security cam company (+1, -3)
Mobility Cane with Parking Antenae tip (+2, -1)
Moire Pattern Fashions (+1)
Molecular Velcro (+2, -1)
Moment Pops (+1, -3)
Monkey Juggling Trainer (+1)
Monkeys and Fluid Dynamics (0)
Mono Bellbottom Pants-dress (+8)
monotechnologysectoropoly (-2)
Mood Makeup (+5)
Mood Tshirt (+3, -4)
Morphogenetic Fields (+1, -3)
Mount Bakemore (0)
Mousetache2 (+2)
Move Christmas Into April (+2)
Move Deimos (+1, -2)
Movie Ball (0)
Movie Prescriptions (+4)
Multi Dimensional tunable audio space (+1)
Multi-Religion Symbol (+7, -3)
Multiverse via Consciousness by Consensus (+2, -4)
Musical Bejewled (+1, -2)
Musical Camera (0)
Musical potato (0)
Musical Tangle (+2)
Mutual Backrub Duet (+3)
My Company About Me (0)
Mythocracy (-3)
n-dar (0)
Naked Heater Coil Raincoat (+4)
Naked Santa Xmas Tree (+11, -1)
Naked Twister Sign Language (-3)
Nanotube Spindler (+2)
NASA 3D stereogram (+4, -1)
Negative Telescope (+2)
Never Not Interactive Principle (+2, -3)
New American Standards (0)
Newspaper U. (-1)
Nicotine Immunity (-2)
Nipple Shirt (+1)
Nipple Skirt (+3)
No Hands Sanitizer Comparison Movie (+2)
Nose Brushing (+4, -1)
Nose Mustache Hat (+8)
NSDMA (+1)
Nuclear Winter Snowglobe (+1, -1)
Obsidian Hand Knife-shaped computer (+1, -1)
Olympic Juggling (+5, -2)
On purposely Loud Packaging (+1)
One Ball Contact Juggling Book (0)
One-Car-Band (0)
One Feather (+1, -5)
One Piece Gyroscope (-2)
OneTime (+2)
Online Clothes Matching Service (+4)
Online Video Chat Cataloging (+4)
online videophone microlending (+3, -1)
Only Turn Right (+1, -6)
Open Booger (+1, -1)
Open Domino Logic Gates (+3, -1)
Open Food-gle (+1)
Open Source DAISY Service (0)
Open Source Interface Design (+3, -1)
Open Source Psychology Video Blog (+1) (-1)
OpenGeekStock (+1) (+2, -2)
OpenPoke (+1, -5)
Orders of Life (-1)
Organic Video Screen (+12)
Orgy in a bottle (-1)
Pants Flips (+3)
Paper-rattling app (+8)
Partum T (+3, -2)
Pax Drone-mana (-1)
PedalVac (+6, -2)
Pedestrian Education Crossing (+2, -1)
Pee Helpers (0)
PeePoo (+1, -2)
Penis Recognition Urinals (+1)
People Organ (+4, -2)
People Piano (+4)
People's Backs (+1)
Perfect Shade Tree (+3, -1)
perineal interface (-3)
Period-roulette TV Series (+1, -1)
Person Trash Can (+3, -4)
Personalized organ-print tool-handles (+3)
Pheasant-tail-feather-style wings (+2, -2)
Phonetic Alphabetical Order (+3, -6)
Photo-phone (+1, -1)
Phreaknet (0)
Phrenological Presidential Prediction-driven Gambling Syndicate (+1)
pianoed score (+1, -1)
Pierced-cheek Vacuum Tube Fitting (+2)
Pimp my pimple (+16, -5)
Pineapple emotion amplifier (+14, -10)
Pinecone Symphony (+2)
Plantbomb Evolution (+1, -2)
Playdog mix (+5, -1)
Playground Platform (+1) (+1, -1)
Pluto Party (-1)
Polite Ringtone (+1, -1)
Pompidou People (+2)
Pool Noodle Hair Scafolding (+5)
Poop Statistics (0)
PooPoo (+5, -2)
"Pope Yes" Chicken (+2, -3)
Porn Bomb (-3)
Porn Cone Palace (0)
Porn Language (+2, -3)
Potato Chip Aurality Awareness Campaign (+2)
Potato Cola (+6, -2)
Powerless Leaf Blower (+3)
Praying Mantis Leg Arms (+3)
PreyVisionCam (+7)
Private Boney/Bunny Rating (+2, -6)
Privy-C-4 (+2)
Product: Adaptive Technology (+4)
Professional Newbie Job (+21, -1)
ProfileWare (+10, -1)
Profilornaments (+2)
Profinial (+3)
Program People (-1)
Programmable Flute (+1)
Programmable Rockers (+3)
Pronounciator (0)
PsychoBioMart (+2)
Psychos-R-Us (+2, -2)
Public Email-IM Booths (+3, -9)
Puppy Hats (-3)
Purgatory (-2)
Put a Spinner On It (0)
Qik 'n Squishy (+10)
Quad/tricopter safety wings (0)
Quadcopter Car-ette (+5)
Quadcopter Hammock (0)
Quiet Kareoke Humming Movement (+2, -1)
Rabbit Sausage Slice Host (0)
Ragtime Machine Gun (+6)
Rainbow Screen (+1, -1)
Rainbowified (+1)
Raincoat Sound Antenna (+1)
Rainrunometer (+2)
Random Pockets (+6, -1)
Random Thing Generator (+5)
Rap News (+7, -5)
"Rap"- ture (+1, -4)
Rarification Bong (+3)
Raspberry Guy (-2)
Re-distilled Hot Sauce Therapy (+1, -6)
Real Life Slither (+3)
Real Thighbrows (+8)
Real Time Drawing Blog (+6, -4)
Realistic Pornography (+1, -3)
Reality 3D (0)
Reality Court Room TV (+1)
Reflexive BabyHead Doll (+4, -2)
Reflexive embryo-shaped Hat (+3)
Regular Old Sex Trombone (+1)
Regulate Text (+2, -5)
Remote Fidget Cube (+2)
Remote haptic undulating butterfly drone control interface (0) (0)
Reprocessed Coffee (-1)
Resonance Fair (+6, -1)
Resonance Wing (+2, -2)
Resonant Spring Beds (+1, -2)
Restaurant Face Funnel (+6)
Reuben's cigarette lighter (0)
Reuben's Club Heater (0)
Reuben's Fireplace (+2)
Revenge Porn (0)
Reward based Gaming (+7)
Rich Metric Textual Notation (+2, -2)
Rideshare Roulette (+1, -1)
Right Justified Books (+3)
Ritalin Coffee (+1, -1)
Rock Star Heels (+4)
Roller Chair (+1, -2)
Rolling Bell Cane Tip (0)
Sail Hammock (+2)
Salt and Pepper shaped Salt and Pepper Shakers (+18, -4)
Santorum/Savage Party (+1, -3)
Scan my Ass (+5)
Science Holidays (+1, -1)
Scientastics (+4, -1)
SciFi idea database (+5, -1)
Scored Staring Contests (+2, -1)
Scrabble Fail Dictionary (+4)
Scratch-posite Party (+2, -2)
Scream Siren (-1)
Screen scrape economy (+1)
ScreenReaderSerenade (+1)
Selective Blinders (0)
Self-bunners unite (+1, -9)
Self cleaning refrigerated food trough delivery system (+1)
Self-deprecating Camouflage (+6)
Self deprecating Sports Score Tie (+1)
Self Kite (0)
Self-Referential Engine (-3)
Self Referential-o's (+5)
Self Supporting Feather (+1, -3)
Sensor Wheelchair Goalball (+2)
Sensory Rating System (+1, -1)
Serial Killer-o's (+5)
Serial Outfit (+2)
Seven Sphincter Fanfare (+1)
Sex Trombone - Plant People thing (+7, -3)
Sexmas (+1, -1)
SexTV (0)
Sexularity (+18, -8)
Share! (+1, -1)
Shaving Trumpet (+4)
Shericon Hilt (+1, -4)
Shoe Horn Shoe (0)
Short-Term Memory Augmentation (+1)
Shorter Washington Monument (+1)
Shruggy mobile device interface (0)
Shulgin Labrary (0)
Shushiscopic Device (+1)
Shushiscopic Surveillance (+1)
Shutupper (0)
Sidereal Trinary Calendar (-1)
Silence World (+8)
Simplester (0)
Single Propeller in the Air (+2, -2)
Skateboard Wings (-3)
Skwailvel Board (+1)
Slave Handles (-7)
Slither 3D Physics (0)
Slither Gamble (+1, -1)
Slither Gesture (+1, -1)
Slither Perspective (+1)
Slither Poetry (0)
Slither Psychiatry (+1)
Slither Sound (0)
Slither Therapy (+2)
Slither World (-1)
slo mo u tube (+1)
SloppyStuff (+1)
Slow-Motion Space Pee Fountain (+1, -1)
Smart Fur and Points on cars (+1)
Smart Payground (+3)
Smart Phone Bandit Arm (+2)
Smartness Engine (+2, -1)
Smartphone Toothbrush Robot (+3)
SmartRingtone (0)
smokathon (0)
Smokeless Smoke Break (+7)
Snarketypes (0)
Sneaker Sandals (+2, -2)
Social Dynamics Infomercial (+1)
Social Media Hook Alarm (+1)
Social Sublimation (+2)
SOFT/HARD recycling (+2, -2)
Solar AirTower Park (+3)
SomeSkin (+2)
Sonicare Massage Loofah (+2)
Sound Screen (+2)
Spectrum Stop Lights (+1)
Sperm on a Leash (+3, -9)
Sphericon Machine (+3, -4)
Sphericon Wing (-3)
Spiral Bridge Ramps (0)
Spiral Pen (+3)
Spiral Spring Wings (+4)
Spiral Wing Tips (+1, -2)
Spiraled Japanese Fan Wing (0)
Splash Chair (+1)
SpoonStock (+2)
Spork Food Hopper (+1)
Spring Beanie Gyro-Generator attachment (-2)
Sqeezey-Voiced Dog-Ball (+3)
Squashy Bug (0)
Squirty Creamer (+4)
Squishy Delishy (0)
Stairway to Pooperville (+2)
Starman (+1, -1)
Stepping Stone Path Recognition (+4)
Stitch-ster (+4)
STLKR porn (+2)
Stochadvertising (+5)
Stuff-and-a-half (0)
Stymier Eradication System (+1)
Subtlety-encouraging Musical Instruments (+4)
Subway Anchor Hat (+1)
Subway Car Accelerometer (+1)
Subwoofer Vibrator (+1)
Sufferin' Succotashophone (+1)
Sun Blocking screen (+3)
Sun Shaded Eyelid Implants (+3, -3)
Super Browse Book (-8)
Super Pee Pee Poo Poo Bowl (+1, -2)
Super World Series Bowl (+4, -5)
Superlative-based MicroAgressor Training (-1)
Swearios (+15, -5)
Tactile recharger plug (+7)
Tactile Zoo (+4) (+1, -4)
TalkBox Tooth Brush (+13)
Talkiphone (+2)
Tantrum Yoga/sex (+5)
Targeted Advertising (+3)
Tennis Bowl (0)
Texterface (+1)
The B-stuff (+3)
The Department of Non-sexual Penis Massage (+1, -6)
The Do-badder (+1, -4)
The End Contest (-3)
The Money Burner (+1)
Thesaurus of Meh (0)
Thinking Sanitizer (+1, -1)
Thinkster (+1)
Three-dimensional tactile display for the blind (+2)
Thumby thing (+1)
Tick Tack (+3)
Time-lapse human growth project (+5, -1)
Tindervision (+1, -2)
Tinfoil2 (+2)
Tiny Everything Movement (+4)
Toilet Corkscrew (+2)
Toilet Scores (+1)
Toiletuba (0)
Toothbrush Nanobot Detector (+2)
Topological Playground Art (+5)
Total # ideas, categories (-1)
Traffic Taxonomy (+2)
Translucent Pumpkin (+5)
TrashArt (-2)
Tree Graffiti Database (0)
Tree Recognition (+7)
Treengle Gym (+1)
Trefoil Balloon for kids (+4, -2)
Trope App (+2)
Truck Flute (+11)
Trump Ball (-4)
Trump-ET (+1, -2)
Trump Toys (-2)
Truth Booth (+3, -1)
Tucked Ballerina Asteroid Mining (+1, -5)
Tum Drops (0)
Tuning Fork Battery (+2, -1) (+2, -2)
twist cap lever (-1)
two way facial cam (+2)
Twoh! (0)
Type Tunes (+1)
Uber Hot or Not (+2)
Umbilical Neck Tie (+2, -2)
Underpants Springs (+2, -1)
Undulating Wright Glider (+5, -4)
UnFaires (+3, -1)
UnFaires2 (0)
Universe Regarding Festival (-1)
Unnecessary Dialog Boxes (+2)
Upsidedown Flower Doll (+2, -2)
Upsidedown Xmas Tree (+1)
Urineanus (+7, -3)
Username Textcloud (+3)
Variable FPS Physics (0)
Vegetarian Slither (+3)
Venetian Blinds Shirt (+4)
Vertical Wind Tunnel Pornography (+3)
Video Description Network (+2)
Video "Find Yourself" (+4)
viola d'amore-iscope (+1, -1)
Viral Bowling Ball (-1)
Viral Defense (+4, -2)
Viral Surface Tactile Interface (+1, -2)
Viral Wall Blocks (+1)
Virtual Haircut (+6)
Virtual Headphones (0)
Visible Sound (+3, -2)
Visual Braille (+2, -2)
Vocal tract mapped keyboard (0)
Vocal tract shaped text (+3, -1)
Vocal Visualizer (0)
Vocaltract Imitation Sign Language (+1, -1)
Vraille paper (+1)
Wacky Tabacky (0)
Warmest Mittens (+2)
Washington District of CERN (-2)
Wearable Webcam Network (+3)
Web Free Speech (+1, -4)
webscapades (+1, -1)
Weight Wings (+2)
Weighted Hip Fins (+6, -1)
Weightlessness Ice Skating Support Zamboni (+2)
Weirducational Curriculum (+2, -1)
What if the Romani took over Rome (+2, -1) (+5, -1)
Whistling Mouthpiece (0)
White People Sunglasses (+1, -4)
Whoopmeister 3000 (0)
Wine Bottle Glass (+3, -8)
Wine-Tasting Facial Expression Database (+10)
Wing Spring Bone (+2)
Wing Suit Vehicle (+4)
Wobble Wing (-1)
World Mews (+6, -6)
World War III Ideas (-2)
Worldshaker (+10, -1)
Wrightopia (-1)
WTF browser (+2, -1)
-wymg (+2, -2)
XOM vs. AAPL (0)
XS4L (+1, -1)
Yarmulke with Peacock feather (-3)
Yawn Description Jousting (+1, -1)
Yin-Yang Fishbone-Croissant (+28)
Yoga Brick Testicles (0)
You'll never guess this weight loss tip... (+3)
YouWatchIt (+1, -1)
ZenMusic (+5)
ZenVille (+1)
Zero dollar bill (+2, -2)
ZipJack Stack (+6)
Zuma Emo (+2)

random, halfbakery