Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Naturally low in facts.

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Still unabubba@gmail.com


[Apr 09 2012, last modified Feb 12 2020]

(+7, -1) 1970s Orange Dinnerware Fortune Cookies
(+3, -1) 3D Nail Art
 4:33 4'33" 433 @ 433
(+11, -2)(+11, -2) A Better Airbag System
(+5, -1) A Real Flying Toaster
(+5, -1) A Serious Idea, With A Dull Name
(+4, -2) Almost Instant Sandbags
(+2, -3) Animal Clothes
(+6, -2) Banana Unbender
(+1, -2) Barbarino Detector
(+6, -4) Barry White Shower
(+4) Bathroom Thunderstorm Generator
(+8)(+8) Battlebrella
(+5, -2) Better Airline Safety Restraints
(+9)(+9) Bicycle Pillowfighting
 Boing 747
(+8, -1) Bonsai Warriors
(+5, -1) Bottle Rocket Rifle Game
(+4) Brisbane Heisenberg Halfcon
(+2, -1) Brown iPhone Charger
(+6, -1) Can Openers That Don't Break
(+2) Carbon Sequestration House
(+3, -5) Cheese Bullets
(+3, -1) Chicken Gym
(+6, -5) Church of Musketry
(+5, -1) Continuous Socks
(-3) Cooking Cooks Cooking Show
(+2, -3) Cowitzer
(+2, -3) Crack of Plumber Shredder
(+4) Cross-country Wheelchair Racing
(+3) Crotchrocket Rollercoaster Roads
 Custard Ball
(+15, -6)(+15, -6) Deathday Cake
(+6) Die Uberwaschmaschine
(+1) Dietary Staples
(+3, -11)(+3, -11) Dingaling Quotient
(+8, -2) Dinner Suit
(+6) DinoBus
(+8, -1) Dip Socks
(+4, -2) Dismaland
(+3, -1) Docterminator: A Serious Shredder
(+17)(+17) Dog Days
(+2, -3) Donner, Blitzen & Götterdämmerung
(+3, -12)(+3, -12) Double Idea Double Idea
(+3, -7) Dumbest Idea Ever
(+2, -1) Ear Hair Plaits
(+8, -3) Eau de Humanité
(+3) Eternal Revenue Service
(+2) Evil Overlord Monster Seagull Minions
(+2) Exceptionally Comfortable Levitation Bed
(+12)(+12) Express Courier Wallaby Service
(+10)(+10) Fabergé Leg
(+3) Facehugger Motorcycle Helmet
(+6, -1) "Faceless Little Men" Agency
 Fake Automatic Lawnmower
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Fart Inflatable Pants
(+4) Feng Shoes
(+4, -1) Ferris Wheel Housing Blocks
(+15, -1)(+15, -1) Ferris Wheel Train
(+8, -1) Fireworks Of (Potential) Euthanasia
(+4, -3) Foiling Foreign Spies
(+3, -2) FrogBakery (Boulangerie Grenouille)
(+1) Frouija Board
(+1, -5) Fungible Fruitbat Fritters
(+6) Funicular Roadway
(+3) Furry Critter & Pedestrian Catcher
(+9, -2) "Get Me Outta Here!" Traffic Jam Busters
(+2) Giant... err, Beetles
(+12, -3)(+12, -3) Giant Robot Chicken Soda Machine
(+2) Global Warming? What Global Warming?
(+3, -5) Goat Thrower
(+3, -1) Gravitational Energy Power Generation
(+3, -2) Greece De Fault Zones
(+9)(+9) Greyhound Racing
(+1) Gum Drop Counter
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Head-slapping Hat Of Behaviour Modification
(+7, -1) Heavily Ruggedised Printer
(+6, -2) Hey Kids! Collect This!
(+6) Highly Visible Ninja Bodyguards
(+3, -1) HolonomiCar
(+3, -2) Human Vision Enhancement
(+4, -2) I Ab Seiling To Work
(+3, -2) Inflatable Car
(+12, -3)(+12, -3) Instant Chair
(+4, -1) International Sock Market
(+1, -2) iPedal
(+4, -1) Is This A Better Mousetrap?
(+5, -2) Jumpstarting Sheep
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Keyboard Aquarium
(+2) Kink-free Star Trek Remake
(-1) Large Hairy Butt Collider
(+4, -2) Laugh Riot Control Gas
(+2, -6) Levitating Levi Leaphigher
(+3, -1) Machine-gun Lawnmower
(+4, -1) Mahout Commute
(+2, -1) Marshmallow Perps
(+4, -1) Matroushclock
(+8, -2) Military Grade Stapler
(+2, -1) Muftitool
(+3) Mutt Muffler
(+8, -1) My Office
(+6) Mystery Funeral Service
(+24)(+24)(+24) Never To Grow Older - [8of7]
(+7, -1) Old Faceful
(+3, -1) Outsourced Mathematical Equation Solution Site
(+4, -2) People Of Walmart: The Game
(+4) Perpetual Punk Band
 Personal Space / Transport
(+4, -1) Pigeon Pie Delivery Service
 Pine Martens ™
 Pissing Contest
(+4) Pizza Box Chimney
(+2) Pool Table
(+10)(+10) Portable Beach
(+3) Postmodernist Cereal
(+5) Potemkin Office
(+6, -2) Premium Popup Post-Its
 Priapic Newspaper
(+1) Principal Reliquary
(+1) Professional Teflon Fighting Enterprise
 "Project Orion" Car Propulsion System
(+3, -2) Proper Verbs
(+1, -2) Re-offender Defence Team Liability
(+5, -1) "Real" Cat and Dog Food
(+2) Recognisable Effigies
(+3) Recycled Plastic Building Materials
(+4) Religious Art Toaster
(+5) Reversible House
(+5) RIBS - Really Important Backup Service
(+2, -1) Ringtone ID Differentiator
(+3, -2) River Crossing Trebuchet
(+5, -1) Roadside Garbage Conveyor
 Robotic Teutonic Moronic Lawn Sprinkler
(+3, -1) "Rocket-propelled" Car
(+1, -2) Roomba Razor Suit
(+1, -4) Rope Decoy
(+7) Rubik's Cubic Car
(+7, -1) Save Arctic Sea Ice
(+3, -1) Schrödinger's Cattery
(+3) Seagull Anti-Global-Warming Program
(+3, -2) Self-Preserving Tie
(+2) Self-refilling Water Bottle
(+2) Shapely Pants
(+4, -2) Shoe-conditioning
 Situational Car Soundtrack
(+10, -2)(+10, -2) Skyscraper Darts
 Snake Ties
(+3, -7) Snow Globe Snow Globe Snow Globe...
(+1) Snowcone Cannon
(+3, -1) Soap Kitchen
(+9)(+9) Social Distancing Skirt
 Socks For Africa
(+1, -2) Spandau Ballet Day
(+10)(+10) Spider Rental Service
 Sports Doping Standardisation
(+6, -1) Squeeze Egg Yolk
(+6, -1) Standard Sized Containers
(+7, -1) Star Trekking
(+4, -1) Submarine Sandwich Katjuscha
(+4, -2) Suburban Rooftop Advertising
(-6)(-6) Sunglasses For Fake Black People
(+5, -4) Super MAGA Hat
(+2) Sustainable Breadcrumbs
(+3, -1) Sweet Landmines
 Talibani "Secret" Weapon For Good
(+15, -1)(+15, -1) Tanker Chess
 Teflon Pan
(+4, -1) That's My Parrot!
(+8, -4) The 8th Earl of Severn
(+15, -3)(+15, -3) The Annual Halfbakers' Ball
(+7, -1) The Baconator
(+2, -1) The Best Christmas Card Ever
(+5, -2) The Bruce Willis Option
(+2, -6) The Church of Quiet Contemplation and Purgative Meditation
(+4, -1) The Complete Socksucker
(+2) The Graveyard Shift
 The Swinging Action Clock
(+3, -4) Thermite Termites
(+3, -6) Third Arm
(+7, -1) This Desk Sucks
(+2, -1) Titanium-Aramid Glasses
(+4, -2) Toilet Rim Device
(+5, -1) Traffic "Ballet" Safety Scheme
(+9, -2) Treehouse Office
(+1, -2) TweetHeart
 Unsafe Mortsafe
(+10)(+10) Useful Junk Mail
 Vaccination Stapler
(+6, -3) Vaccinators
(+4, -1) Velcro™ Cars
(+3) "Voice" To Speech Gloves
(+1, -2) "Waterbombing Helicopter" Dinner Delivery
 Ways To Recycle Greece's Natural Assets
(+1, -2) Workout Water Closet
(+6) Zombie Undertakers
(+2, -3) Zoo Of Everything
(+3, -4) Zoo Of Monstrosities

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