Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Bunned. James Bunned.

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An Idea That Did Not Get Past The "[mfd] Theory" tag:

Evolution of Michael Jackson's Nose

And humanity in general

Michael Jackson's nose is getting progressively smaller. If we took a flipbook, we could watch the progression of his nose, shrinking in the blink of an eye. In fact, humanity's noses in general are shrinking. Look at early humans as opposed to later humans as opposed to modern humans. Also notice that the speed of nasal size reduction is increasing. Simply put, Michael Jackson is simply following the flow of nature, albeit at a greatly increased rate.

At the current rate, Michael Jackson's note will shrink so far that it will vanish within 20 years, and at that point, we can extrapolate that it will begin to do something extraordinary. It will begin to sink into his face, creating an anti-nose. In short, an intrusion into his face.

We can use this extrapolation to further extrapolate that within a few thousand years, the rest of humanity will follow suit, due to a predisposition towards smaller noses.

Eventually this nasal-reversion will get so bad that it will start to enter the brain, eventually killing all of mankind!

We must stop this from happening by coercing governments to spout propaganda supporting large-nose people as beautiful and kind, instead of the current "big noses are ugly" view.

Of course this will cause much strife between big-nosed and little-nosed people, but the world will have been saved.


Sneaky, sly, and deceptive am I Ideas spring forth, I don't need to know why

Quick as a flash, I'll think of something stupid An electric nose, an automatic cupid

I'll post it and edit till I'm filled with glee Then I'll sneak past you, like a fox, I will flee

No one knows how the idea will turn out It may make you scream, gibber, and shout

It may make you angry, you'll post a mean letter Just because you couldn't make something better

I'll get lots of buns, hundreds to hoard Now I'll end this poem because I'm now bored.

^..^_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hahaha :) >V<

Obviously I like foxes but I also love cats, frogs, and lemon trees. It's just that foxes are cooler. I had to pick a nickname so I chose one from one of my favorite animals. On side note, many things I write will be for satire..

My ideas sound weird, but check them, out.

'Participating member of the Ooolongftangftangbank profile scheme.'

[Aug 30 2004, last modified Jan 10 2008]

(+6, -5) 1,000,000 Word Keyboard
(+9, -5) 3/4-Pint Bar
(+5, -1) 3D Domino Dice
(+5, -1) 3D Model Kits
 8-Legged Robotic BabyBot Protector
(+18, -3)(+18, -3) A Ghost of a Touch Backrub Machine
(+18, -6)(+18, -6) "Absolutely Don't Eat After" Date
(+6, -3) Ace of Stars
(+3, -2) Aerocraft Bungee Jumping
(+10, -3) Agency-Issued Bread Protection Cages
(+5, -4) Air Boarding
 Amazing Electrostatic Mitten
(+4, -3) Animal Teeth Implants
(+11, -6) Anti-personel Fighting Octopus
(+5, -2) Anti-Rape Mace
(+9)(+9) Assassin for Hire
(+3) Atari Restaurant
(+45, -2)(+45, -2)(+45, -2) Bag O' Atoms
(+5, -2) Ball Bearing SideSlides
(+14, -1)(+14, -1) Balloon-Head Paintball
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Battle Damage Location Penalties
(+5, -3) Beardstache
(+8, -6) Blowfish Doorway Access
(+3) Bluetoothed Flashdrives
(+3, -2) Bluff the Baker
(+7) Boomerang Gun
(+15)(+15) Braille Soda Cans, Regular Cans, and Jars
(+6, -4) Brain Pasta
(+17)(+17) Bungee Paintball
(+15, -1)(+15, -1) Bungivator
(+7, -1) Butcher's Prime Cut Plushie
(+4, -2) Butter Half-Sticks
(+3, -4) Carbon Nanotube Monofilament Saber
(+7, -3) Carlligraphy
(+13, -1)(+13, -1) Carpet Circles
(+4, -6) Cat Soccer
(+1) Category Searching
(+1, -3) Caulking Gun with a Clear Base
(+15, -12) Centripetal Tubular Anti-Gravitational Swimming Pool
(+3, -4) ChairHockey
(+7, -3) CheeseLand
(+5) Cheeto/Dorito-Gloves
(+3, -4) Cleaner Tank
(+3, -4) Clip-on Pencil Sharpener
(+4, -11)(+4, -11) Competative Dry Ice Eating Contest
(+5, -3) Condiment Wars
(+5, -3) Crash Lottery
(+3, -4) Crash Sound Effects
(+6, -3) Crashdrive
(+28, -1)(+28, -1)(+28, -1) Creepy Carpet
 Cryogenic Fire Truck
(+7, -2) Cycloen Submarine
(+4, -1) Desktop Reminder MouseTrail
(+1, -2) DisguisioWallet
(+2) Drifting Away
(+4, -2) Drive-Through Movie
(+6, -3) Driveable Giant Hotwheels
(+14, -2)(+14, -2) Dry-Erase Bathroom Walls
(+2, -1) Dual Sided Nails
(+5) Dynamic Communicating Stop Signs
(+7, -1) Egg Art
(+6, -1) Eldritch Baseball
(+5, -1) Electrically Grounded Playgrounds
(+14)(+14) Ever-Changing Cubicle Maze
(+15)(+15) Ever-Crunch Spoon
(+3, -1) Exploding Art Sculpture
(+20, -1)(+20, -1) Extreme Thermos
(+11, -8) Extreme Twister Wrestling
(+7) EyeFro
(+4, -2) Eyes on your Fingers
(+4, -3) Fake ATM Scam
(+27, -2)(+27, -2)(+27, -2) Fake Your Own Death Wig
(+9, -2) Fallen Eyebrows
(+24)(+24)(+24) False-Bottom Food Containers
(+15)(+15) Faunal Clock
(+5) Fear Factor Jeopardy
(+6, -2) "Find the Idea" Game
(+6) FingerBoard Mouse
(+7, -6) Fire Hydrant Sculpture
 Firelog Catapult
(+3, -1) Firemelon
(+4, -1) Fireworks Chess
(+7, -2) Flash of Cold and Heat Tattoo
(+8, -4) FlashFlame Bathroom Cleaner
(+6, -3) Flegos
 Flexible Hangers
(+6, -11)(+6, -11) Flip [+] and [=]
(+4, -2) Floor-Level Billiards
(+16)(+16) Floss Dispensing Toothbrush
(+9)(+9) Foam Padding
(+7, -4) Fortune Cookie Lottery
(+9, -3) Fractal Comb
(+30, -3)(+30, -3)(+30, -3) Fractal Shoe Treads
(+8, -1) Frustration Relieving, Screaming-Paper Shredder
(+20, -1)(+20, -1) Fu Lu Shou Xi Cai He Ai Mei Ji De Staples
(+6) Full-Floor House Maze
(+5, -2) Galileo Chronometer
(+10, -2)(+10, -2) Gallium Arsenide Walls
(+39, -2)(+39, -2)(+39, -2) Gel Keys
(+5, -3) Geosynchronous Space Monument
(+9, -5) Giant Inverted Pyramid
(+7) Giant Marble Machine
(+5, -1) Giggle Cup
(+27, -1)(+27, -1)(+27, -1) Glass BBQ
(+6, -1) Glowing Teddy Bear
(+5, -2) Goldfish Clothing
(+5, -2) Good Will Hunting Cam
(+8, -3) Grand Theft Arto
(+15, -1)(+15, -1) Gumball Medication Dispenser
 Gut Gut Golf
(+3, -2) Gyroscopically Stabilized Stylus for Tablet PCs
(+8, -1) Half-Pipe Hockey
(+4) Halfbaker's Pride Shirt
(+18, -3)(+18, -3) Halfbakeroids
(+7) Halfbakery Cereal
(+6, -3) Halfbakery Tagline Bumper Stickers
(+8, -7) Halfbakrian Dream
(+12)(+12) Halloween Screaming Soda Caps
(+1, -2) Harmonic-Removal Adhesive
(+4, -2) Hat with Mini-Mirror Inside
(+8, -2) HB Tavern
(+3) Head-Following Monitor
(+5, -4) Hide & Shriek
(+2, -1) HoverPants
(+14, -3)(+14, -3) Ignition Key for Computers
(+2, -3) Import Penguins to the North Pole
(+13, -2)(+13, -2) Incremental-Force Pop-Tab Can Lids
(+10, -7) Infinitios
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Innertube Pirating
(+14, -6)(+14, -6) Insanity Quotient
(+10)(+10) Interlock Ring
(+4, -3) Italics in the halfbakery
(+12, -2)(+12, -2) Jello Furniture
(+30, -1)(+30, -1)(+30, -1) Kata/Ana Alter-Dimension Games
(+9, -10) Large Bubble Rising
 Laser Electric Piano
(+19)(+19) Laser-Etched Jello
(+9, -11) Last Will and Testament
(+13, -3)(+13, -3) Lava Lunch
(+3, -4) League of AutoBunners
(+8, -3) LegoWalking
(+2, -1) Light-Sensitive contacts
(+18)(+18) Lightning Clock
(+6) Lin-Ear Chain
(+9, -3) Liquid Filled Bowling Ball
(+7) Little Packet of Chopsticks
(+3, -1) Load-Sensing Dishwasher
(+2, -1) MagnetiClock
(+5, -6) MagnetiWorld
(+6, -3) Mandelbrot Hunt
(+7, -2) MarmaLadle
(+5) Massage in a Bottle
(+3) Meat and Cheese Ritz Pez Dispenser
(+59, -1)(+59, -1)(+59, -1) Medieval Paintball
(+4, -2) Memory Scale
(+9, -5) MetroGnome
(+8, -1) Mexico City Time Capsule
(+8, -5) Midnight Snack Pillows
(+6, -3) Minas Basin Tidal Power
 Mobius/Klein House
(+3, -1) Mona Lisa Ceiling
(+5, -1) Mood Keyboard
(+7, -1) Mothball Coat-hanger
 Muscle-based Bone Modeler
(+5, -1) Mystery Cereal
 Natural Random
(+5, -1) Neo-Modern Sliding Door
(+3) New Pants Shoe Inserts
(+9, -8) Ninja Movers
 No-burn Wafflemaker
(+2, -5) No Such Thing Café
(+3, -2) Oblique Space Colony Near the Sun
(+1, -2) Offline HalfBakery
(+5, -2) Onion Spray
(+4, -1) Orbital Pool
(+8, -6) Paintball Cap-Guns
(+8, -3) Paintball Flamethrower
(+5, -3) Paintball for Pay
(+17, -4)(+17, -4) Paintball Shotgun
(+5, -2) Paper Shredder Document Binder
(+8, -7) Paperclip Raft
(+7, -5) Parallelogram Pool
(+5, -2) Pedant Trap
(+7, -1) Pentium Processor Combs
(+2, -1) People-Stuck-in-a-Large-Ball Billiards
(+11, -3)(+11, -3) Peristaltic Gutter Cleaning Shredder and Mulcher
(+7, -5) Piezo-electric Waterfall
(+14)(+14) Pinging Pong
(+8)(+8) Pirate Ship Golf
(+9, -5) Pirates and Mimes, Ninjas and Custard
(+5, -2) Poetic Answering Machine
(+4, -2) Ponytail Nun-chucks
(+2, -1) Popcorn Art
(+4, -1) Pressure Sensitive Horn
 Program MouseTrail
(+10, -4) Propeller Haticopter
(+4, -1) Pyromaniac Theme Park
 Pyrotechnic Baseball
(+38, -2)(+38, -2)(+38, -2) Rainmill
(+13, -1)(+13, -1) Random Selection Button on a Vending Machine
(+12, -3)(+12, -3) Real Halo/Unreal Tournament
 Realistic Talking Banana
(+34, -1)(+34, -1)(+34, -1) Rear View CPU Lights
(+4, -1) Recent Best Ideas
(+2, -1) Reciprocal Eating Arms
(+2) Redundant Superball
(+7) Remote Control Fireworks Bomber Dogfighter
(+4, -1) Removal Scrabble
(+5, -2) Reserve a Spot with a Shopping Cart
(+13, -3)(+13, -3) Reshapeable Windows
(+10, -3) Resonance HB Shakedown
(+3, -1) River Bed
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Robinson Clouseau
(+6, -3) Robotic Mobile Portapotty
(+12, -2)(+12, -2) Room of Sulfur Hexaflouride
(+4, -1) Roomba of Doom
(+3) Rubber Spaghetti
(+9)(+9) Rubik's Lock
(+2, -1) Safe Drivers Lottery
(+14, -2)(+14, -2) SandCastle Mortar and Catapult War
 School of Seuss
(+1, -3) Scratch & Lick Stickers
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Screaming Banging and Exploding Paintball Vest
 Screaming Downloads
(+5, -2) Scrolling Sound FX
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Self-popping popcorn
(+3, -2) Self-sealing Flashdrive/USB Cables
(+3, -1) Self-Unclogging Toilet
(+11, -3)(+11, -3) Send Jutta Croissants
(+3, -1) Shell Phone
(+4, -1) Shell Shocker
(+5, -1) Signature Tires
(+5, -1) Silly Putty Sculpture
 Sittin' in my Chair at the Half-Bakery
(+6, -1) Skizzles
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Slyly Suggestive Subliminal Signs
(+1, -3) Smart LavaLamp
(+2, -1) Smart Pool
(+5, -1) Sneak-a-Link
(+4) Sneezing Office Supplies
(+20, -2)(+20, -2) Snoring Computer
(+10, -2)(+10, -2) Snowglobe Redundancy
(+5) Snowing Earth Globe
(+9, -2) Soap Bar in a Deodorant Stick Casing
(+3, -1) SoapGlue
(+3, -1) Sodium Tipped Storm Candles
(+5, -2) Solar Powered Electric Blanket
(+3, -1) Soporific Paintballs
(+11, -2)(+11, -2) Spa-gho-tti
(+7, -3) Sphericon Bowling
(+3, -2) Sphericon Tumbleweed
(+17, -2)(+17, -2) Sphocks
(+8, -2) Spontaneous Tabasco Combustion Sauce
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Stained Glass Vents
(+4) [stale]
(+9, -3) Stealth Chess
 "Stick a Cow in the Field" sports
(+2) Stickee Straw
(+3, -1) Sudoku Puzzle Master
(+3) Sun-roof Wind-shield Aerofoil Control Chip
(+6, -4) Super Simon Says
(+4, -3) Superball Zorb
(+3, -2) Supermarket Cart that is Foot-Friendly
(+50, -2)(+50, -2)(+50, -2) Surreptitious Bumperstickerator
(+16, -2)(+16, -2) Swamp Fog Snooker
(+8, -2) Swirl-a-Chute
(+8, -2) Swiss Army Chef's Knife
(+3, -1) Tank Guardian
(+52, -10)(+52, -10)(+52, -10) Tear-Away Pringles Canister
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Tectonic Plates
(+3, -1) Teflon Luge
 Tesla Coil Bug Zapper
(+15, -1)(+15, -1) Texas Chainsaw Massacre on Ice
(+9, -6) That's Outrageous!
(+7, -3) The Citywide Hunt
 The Cliff
(+9, -3) The Dalek Diner
(+3, -2) The "Expressions"
(+4, -7) The Extreme Emergency Brake v2.0
(+6, -3) The Organization of Valets For Orbital Art
(+13, -4)(+13, -4) The Unnatural River
(+20, -1)(+20, -1) Thermochromatic Lava Lamp
(+2) Thermos-Stat
(+10)(+10) Tongshot for Mad Scientists
(+23, -8)(+23, -8) Torture Bears
(+6, -2) Trained Octopi Restaurant
(+5, -2) Trampoline Track Racing
(+6) Trapezoidal Game Cards
(+11)(+11) Trebuchet Bowling
(+15, -1)(+15, -1) Triangular Bread
(+7, -3) Two-Headed Match
(+23)(+23)(+23) Two-Story Books
(+3, -1) UV Kitchen Sterilizer
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Vacuum Cleaner Cleaner
(+5, -1) Vehicular Javelin Throwing Race
(+4, -3) Vintage Soap and Shampoo
(+2, -1) Voice Activated Flush
(+4, -3) von Neuman Socks
(+14, -4)(+14, -4) Water Bottle Tumbleweeds
(+2) Waterfall Climbing
 Waterproof Lottery Tickets
(+6, -3) Weapons of Mass Distraction
(+4, -3) Wheel Attachments for Swamp Boats
 Whistling Corn Dog
(+11, -2)(+11, -2) Wicked Witch of the West Candles
(+8)(+8) Windows Snap-To
(+4, -2) www.howsmydriving .com
(+4) Xzylo Xzooka
(+6, -11)(+6, -11) Yeti Spaghetti
(+17, -8)(+17, -8) Zebraska

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