Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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here's my most recent adventure: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQGKLY7W

I now write on Medium, see you there: https://medium.com/@A.gee

[Mar 10 2004, last modified Jul 12 2024]

 10:00AM Sharp in "Best Available"
(+10)(+10) 15 Seconds Of Game
(+4) 2.5D Chess Board
 23 Saints, Apostles...
(+1) 3D News
(+2) 50 Shades of Dorian Grey
(+3) 5G Sports
(+3) 9 Billion Names of Billionaires
(+4, -3) A Door Is a Man's Best Friend
 A Hearse. My Kingdom for a Hearse
 A Nobel Prize for Studying Exotic Dancers
(+19)(+19) A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Honks
(+4) A Wayz Man Once Said
(+3, -2) Accordiphone
(+7) AI, Pick Up The Phone
(+12)(+12) Alarm Clock Game Show
(+4) Alexa, he started it
(+1) Algorithmic Voting
(+3, -2) Alphabet Music
(+8, -2) An Independent Just In Time Blind Judiciary
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Anatomically Correct Campus
(+3, -2) Ancient Alients
(+1, -5) Annotated Idea's Score Macros
 Anonymous Govt Issued Voting Cards
(+7, -1) Apocalyptic Limerics
(+2) App Choo
(+2) App Tab
 Archaeological Storage
(+2) Atlas Bragged
(+5, -2) Attach Eh?
 Augmented Reality Hockey
(+4) Augmented Reality Shower Display
(+4) Augmented reality windows for the Space Station
(+1, -2) auto-3D sunglasses
(+1, -2) Autolander
 Automated Post Accident Airbag Deactivator
(+3, -2) AutoPharm
(+5, -3) Bachelor Party Anniversary
(+4, -1) Back Seat Airbag
 Background Video Chat Filters
(+3) Bake It Off
(+5) Ball and (block)Chain
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Barnes Librarium
(+16, -3)(+16, -3) Bat In The Headlights
(+2, -1) Bedding from Temperature Sensitive Fabric
(+3) Been There, Don't Do That
(+10, -3) Best Reads
(+4, -2) Between Love and Madness...
(+6) Beware Of Geeks Bearing Gifts
 Bill Payment App
(+5, -1) Bill & Ted's Excellent Debentures
(+3, -1) Blind Equal Opportunity Employment
(+3) Blockchain Voting
 Blood Red Diamonds
(+2) Bond. Project Bond
 Book Worm
(+9)(+9) Bored with the NSA
(+6) Born to Compile
(+4, -2) Bright Lights, Big ET
(+4) Broadway On ICE
(+3) Buffett's Buffet
 Bulls Eye Bullets
(+4, -2) Cablegram
(+4, -2) Call Center Barbie
(+16, -2)(+16, -2) Camshaft Shazam
(+4) Can we at least get a bagel?
 Candy Crusher
(+3, -2) Capitol Rotation
(+1, -3) Car Jet
(+3, -1) Car Navigation For Humans
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Categorically Clicking
 Ceiling Fan TV
(+5, -1) CellUCellMe
 Chain Reaction
 Chairman, they got my number
 Channel Surfer For Video Surfing
(+5, -1) Charged Balls
(+6) Chariots Of Water
(+1, -2) Chart Precedents
(+6) ChatterBot
 Check Your Freakin' Privilege
(+2, -3) Checks and Bonuses
(+7, -1) Chess Matches
(-7)(-7) ChessHive
(+5, -1) Chialotto
(+4, -1) ChiaMummy
(+1, -2) China Down
(+3) China To Build Housing in the US
(+2, -1) Chip Suit
(+3) Chump Chimney
(+2, -1) Citation-Like Commenting
(+2) Classless Marriages
(+3) ClawfiscatAR
(+10, -3) Cliche Count
(+5) Clutches for Crutches
(+3, -2) Coffee Cup Printer
(+8)(+8) Collected Solely by Robots!
(+2) Commuter Games
(+11)(+11) Conference Call Catch-Up
(+4) Contestacall
(+4, -1) Conveyer Belt
 Cool One Armed Bandit
(+1, -10)(+1, -10) Copy Projection Protection
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Cordless, To Me
 Correlated GDP Tax
(+3, -1) Crash Sensitive Head Rest
(+5) Craven Impulses
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Crips, Bloods and Tooths
 Cruise Nukes
 Crumbled Cookies
 Crush Party Crashers
 Crystal Sphere Planetary System
(+2, -1) Cup Air
(+21, -6)(+21, -6) Curb Side Blow Job
(+3) Custom Constellations
(+3) De-Bone-Air
(+2) Dead Man Auto Switch
(+12, -3)(+12, -3) Deep Art
(+7, -1) DeerAibo
(+2) Deliveries R US
 Denial Denial
(+10, -5) Desktop Rifts
(+2) Detached Attachments
(+7, -1) Diamonds For All
(+7, -1) Dinoroast
(+10, -3) Discover Habitable Planets Before The Professionals Do
(+1, -5) Disin' French Fries
(+3, -2) Divert Apophis to Mars
(+5, -3) Dividend Pay
(+2) Dividends Rule
(+3, -2) Do Not Google List
(+10)(+10) Doctor Nation
(+3) Dog Walker Buggy Whips
(+8, -1) Don Quixote Global Cooling
(+2) Doomsday Movement Clock
(+7, -1) Dorian Grey Image Registry
(+4) Double Entendre AI
(+6) Dowtris
(+7, -1) Draft First Term Representatives
 Draftee Homes
(+8, -1) Drake's Equation Calculator
(+3, -1) Drive Through Theater
(+3) Drive Through Theme Parks
(+2) Driving Plane
(+1, -2) DTMF Remote Control
(+3) Eager.ly
(+2) Earth Rotational Counterbalancer
(+2) Eatelligence
(+20, -5)(+20, -5) eFFliminal
(+4, -2) Elections Lasting Longer Than Four Hours
(+4, -2) Electric Balls
(+3, -1) Electric Pool
 English League Dismantlement Draft
(+2, -1) Estimated Refunds
(+6, -3) ET, In someone else's vacation pictures
(+7, -2) Ethermal Resting Place
 Extraordinary People
(+13, -1)(+13, -1) Famous Wreck Backyards
(+4, -1) Fantasy League Of Nations
(+29, -2)(+29, -2)(+29, -2) Fastest Draw In The Office
 Faux Machine
 Fear The Hand
(-4) FenceIt.com
(+3) Fibri
 Fifty Shades of Dre
(+1, -7)(+1, -7) Firing Range (defined)
(+4) First Spouse
 Fish For Plastic
(+6, -2) Flat Out Tax
(+3, -1) Floating Gardens
(+3, -1) Follow that cellphone
(+1) Foosball Fondue
(+3, -2) For Each, According To Their Bid
(+6, -1) "Fortune Cookie" Band Aids
(+3) Fractional Portfolio Trading
 Friendly Neighborhood Particle Collector
(+5) Fruit Punch Cart
(+8, -6) Full Mental Jacket
 Futures Gas Card
(+4) Game of Chromes
(+4, -1) Gentleman Caller ID
(+8, -2) Get it while it's cold
(+6, -1) Ghost Road
(+3, -2) Give Me Your Lenin Statue Topplers
 Glass Tennis
 Global Vote for UN President
(+3, -1) Global Warming Snow Globe
(+5, -1) Good Ideas Gone Bad
 Good Mileage/Small Footprint Lane
(+4) Google Earth Movies
(+5) Google, Where Did That Shot Come From
(+2) Gyrope
(+3) Hail On The Chief
(+3) Half Games
 Hand Job
(+1, -3) Hands-Off Voting
(+5, -1) Handwriting/Ink Sample Study of 2020 Ballots
(+4) Hard Nipple Exerciser
(+2) Hawking Radiation Telescope
(+6, -2) HB Ticker
(+3, -4) HeadsDown™ Display
(+8)(+8) Heatclip
(+6) Heated Argument Home Heating
 Heated Lazy Suzan shelves
(+3) Hell is Empty, and All The Poets Are In Here
(+5, -1) Hello
(+5, -2) Hieroglyphics Universal Translator
 Hip Hop Trailer
 Home Grown Satellite Radio
(+4) Home Surf
(+24, -1)(+24, -1)(+24, -1) Horse Alarm
(+3) HoverClean
(+2, -3) "Human" Dog Food
 Hydraulic Filter Water Pitcher
(+8, -1) I'd love to buy the world a drink
(+3) I Don't Want to Impose
(+2, -3) I Froze My Buns Off
(+36, -7)(+36, -7)(+36, -7) I Got Your Nuclear Reactor Right Here
(+6, -3) I'll Do The Math, Don't Make Me Eat
(+4, -3) I'll Have What She's Having
(+7) I'll Tell Him
(+5) I'm His Cousin
(+11, -2)(+11, -2) Iditaroad
(+3, -1) If I Could See What You Hear
(+3, -1) If you find it, they will come
(+4, -3) IM Pissed
(+4) Immortal Puppet Theater
(+1) Incredible Foresight Money Management
 InDash Ionic Breeze
(+4) Indoor Item Locator
(+1) Inflation Tax Policy
(+4) Information Overlord
(+2) Interesting Times Quotient
 Internet of Obscene Things
(+9, -2) Interplanetary Wide Web
(+7, -1) Introspectacles
(+4) Iscream
(+6) It's Not the Destination, It's The Journey
(+3, -6) It's That (Liberal) Time of the Month
(+6, -2) It Takes a Village Idiot
(+6, -1) It Was Recent, Then
(+5, -1) Jetairship
 Junk DNA Movie Scanning
 Junk Mail that Works Like Online Advertising
(+8, -6) Kick Skirt
(+6) Kim Kardashian for Kim Jong Un
(+3, -1) Kindley Summarize
(+1, -3) Kneecap & Trade
(+2) Lake Of Bake
(+3, -1) Laser Trains
(+2) Last Noisy Tab
(+5) Lazy Shoes On
(+2, -1) League of Extraordinary Human Beings
(+4, -1) LeftOut
(+5) Life, The Universe, And Entropy
(+3, -1) Light My Inches
(+2, -1) Light Up The Skis
(+2, -1) Lights, Window, Action
(+5) LikeThis
(+16, -3)(+16, -3) Liza, The GPS Chick
(+3) Location Based 2 Factor Authentication
(+1, -2) Logan's Pension
(+3, -1) Look Ma, Hands
 Lucy In The Sky With Carbon
 Lucy's Diamonds
(+3, -1) Ma Baker's
 Make Planetary Probes Look Both Ways
 Make Politicians Go Public
 malleable mouse/trackball
(+7, -1) Marked For Absorbtion
(+13, -2)(+13, -2) Martian Fishbone Hunter
 Martian Robot Wars
 Match Meter
(+1, -3) Mensaid Society
(+5) Menu Advisor
(+2) Mirror, Mirror, on the Phone
(+6) Mixed Nuts Desorter
(+4, -2) Mobius Strip Club
(+6) Money For Muffins
(+3, -1) Money For Something
(+5, -1) Monoxide Sensor on Garage Doors
(+2) Mood Reader
(+3) Moon Base Woof Woof
 Morse Code Alarm Clock
(+7) mosquito reconnaissance and defence
(+7) Mosquitoo
(+2) Motor Voter2
(+5, -2) MovieClips.COM
(+3, -2) Multi Color Traffic Lights
(+4, -1) My Corona
(+24, -4)(+24, -4)(+24, -4) My Name Is Legion, Limited
(+3) NASCAR Political Circuit
(+6) Negative Cruises
(+2, -1) Neighbor (in addition to Central) Monitoring
(+6) New Awards for Old Movies
(+2, -1) Night At The Opera, Day At The Races
(+1) No Makeup TV
(+2) Non-Boomer Proximity Alert
(+4) Nope, Didn't Want To Talk
(+4, -1) Not VAT but VAST
(+3, -1) Note Taker
(+4) Notification Suspend
(+2, -1) Objects in Mirror Are Much, Much Farther Then They Appear
 Objects In Windshield Are Slower Than They Appear
 OK, Boomerang
(+3, -2) Omnipresence
(+5, -2) One, But You're Not The Same
(+1) OpenInvo
(+3, -1) Optical And Weight Based Treadmill Cutoff Switch
(+2) Oscar Madison
(+2, -1) Outer Body Experience
(+25, -1)(+25, -1)(+25, -1) Overused Metaphor Thesaurus
 PAC Credit Card
 Paid With Good Intentions
(+5, -1) Park & Go
(+3) ParkExchange
(+6) Patients
(+4, -1) Pavlovian Whistle Cellphones
(+6, -8) Pay Doctors Like Doctors Pay You
(+2) Paywall Leasing
(+4) Personal Squid Display
(+3, -1) Pet Opium Dens
(+5) Petri Dish
(+2) Phishing Expeditions
(+4, -5) Phone In Your Vote
(+4, -1) piccolate
(+26, -1)(+26, -1)(+26, -1) PiggyClock
(+5, -1) Pill Pal
 Pin The Navigator
(+13, -1)(+13, -1) Pipe Down
(+4, -3) Pissbo
(+5, -1) Plain Plane Conferencing
(+47, -1)(+47, -1)(+47, -1) Planequarium
(+7) Planet Of The Arboreal Apes
(+6, -1) Planetary Record
(+3, -1) Point & Do
(+4) Poker Debates
(+4, -2) Predictive Context Sensitive Linking
 Print Felt
(+3) Progressive Vending Machines
(+4, -2) PublishRight
(+5, -2) Punch Bob
(+6) Put Money Into Politics
 Put The Hubble On The ISS
(+8, -3) Put Window Tints Of Birds Of Prey In Windows Of High Rise Buildings
(+4) QR Genetic Codes
(+1, -2) Quirky quirky
(+4) Radical 2028 Predictions
(+6, -2) Random Walk Practice
(+2) Rapid Mars Liquification
(+2) Real New Deal
(+3, -1) ReCreationals
(+7, -2) Reflectoscope
(+2) Rejoin With Prejudice
(+2, -4) Residential Real Estate Stock Exchange
(+3) Retargeting Bulls Eye
(+3) Retrospective Context Sensitive Autocomplete
(+3, -1) ReVisions™
(+1, -2) RFID Barter
 Ring Around The Collar
(+7, -3) Ring World
 Ringtones For Office Phones
(+8, -1) Road Savant
(+2, -1) RoboCut
 Rocket Belt Drive
(+2, -1) Roller Blades With Skate Like Braking Power
(+15, -1)(+15, -1) Rosetta Cemetery
(+6, -3) Rosetta Porn
(+7) Running With The Bears
(+4) satellite independent navigation system
 Scam Confiscation Authority
(+1) Schrödinger Boxification
(+5) Schrödinger Door Bell
(+2, -1) Schrödinger's Choice
(+2, -1) Schrödinger's Inbox
(+11)(+11) Schrödinger's Umlaut
(+3) Searching for Extraterrestrial Death
 Seat Belt for Office Chairs
 Security Conveyer
(+7, -1) Segway Light Cavalry
(+3, -2) Segway To Fitness
(+3, -1) Self Contained House Breathing Apparatus
(+7) Self Contained Orbital Recycling Engine
(+9)(+9) Self Contained Underwater Mortgage Apparatus
(+4) Self Driving Carts
(+4, -1) SelfStet
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Separate Pharma R&D from Manufacturing
(+5, -6) SETI @Cell
(+6, -2) Sex Sells
(+6) Sexually Transmitted Vaccines
(+3) ShazamTalk
(+2) Show Subscriptions
 Sideways Skis
(+4) Significantly Amplified Knitting
(+4, -1) simultaneous multi-language close caption subtitles device
 Skull & Bones Ownership Society
 Slam Dunks
(+12, -2)(+12, -2) Sleep With The Fishes
(+2, -1) Slurred Speech Detector
(+5, -1) So You Think You Can Fence
(+9)(+9) Sorry, my myth take
(+4, -1) Sound-In-Sound Car Radio
 Space Mountain
 Space Rail Gun in the Back Yard
(+7) Spam Taster
(+3, -2) Speak Processing
(+4) Special Effect Highrise Window Washers
(+4, -1) Speech To Text Processing
(+2, -1) Spread The Butter on the Croissant
(+9)(+9) SprinklerCast
(+7) Squid Child O' Mine
(+1) Stack Trace with Stack Data
(+9)(+9) Stalagmitron
 Stalker Detector
(+17, -1)(+17, -1) Stanley Dryer
(-1) Steak Cutter
(+3, -1) Stormy...Season Coming
(+12)(+12) Styroloons
(+2, -1) Subject Representative Government To The Scientific Principle
(+9)(+9) Sumerian Tablet Cookie Maker
(+13, -1)(+13, -1) Surf Jousting
(+5) Swap NASA and NSA
(+3, -2) Swish
(+2) Synchronized Shopping
(+2) Tab, You're It
(+3) Tabula Rasa
(+1) Tails Tell Tales
(+5) Talkiens
(+3, -1) Tandem Treadmill
(+4, -1) TatooMobile
(+3) Taxation Without Taxation
(+5, -2) TaxiCut
(+4, -2) Teach kids that water flows downhill
(+4) TeeVidget
(+7, -1) Tempest In A Bottle
 The 8th Of 7 Picard Podcast
(+5, -4) The Aniston-Jolie Debates
(+10, -4) The Autoboner's Song
(+1) The Automated Ventriloquist
 The AutoPun
(+5) The Bible Pixel Code
(+21, -2)(+21, -2) The Blushing Nude
(+16)(+16) The Broken Clock Clock
(+4, -1) The Butterfly Domino Effect
 The Butterfly Effect Experiment
(+5, -2) The Cinemator
(+2) The Clock'em Clock
(+4) The Coma Soundtrack
(+10)(+10) The Congressional ETF
(+2) The Cosmopolitan Party
(+6) The Crown Affair
 The Daedalus Project
(+11)(+11) The Decider
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) The Doctor Strangelove Experience
(+5, -3) The Empress' Tired Attire
(+26, -1)(+26, -1)(+26, -1) The Face On Earth
(+6) The Great Ice Replenisher
(+4) The Greenest Grass
 The Halfbaked Kickstarter Adventure
(+6, -1) the handbag is the cellphone
(+1) The Heisenberg Political Principle
(+3, -1) The Homesteads Act of 2014
(+3) The Ice Mines of Antarctica
(+1) The Iceman Cometh and Cometh Again
(+19)(+19) The Igloo Pyramid Of Dome Argus
(+7) The Illustrated Novel
 The Interview Guru
 The Invasion of the Body Gropers
 The Light Saber Version of Everything
 The Municipal ICO
(+3) The Naked Shelf
(+3) The National Credit Card
(+1) The North Atlantic Coke Alliance
(+1) The Passover Tub
(+5, -1) The Personal Car Wash Experience
 The Peso Electric Effect
(+7) The Picture Comes Alive
(+1) The Pinboard Investment Fund
(+5, -1) The Schrödinger Schadenfreude Newscast
(+4) The Signed eBook
(+13, -4)(+13, -4) The Trojan Furby
(+3) The Twister Electoral Map
(+3) The Ultrasonic Shower App
(+5, -4) The Viagra Monologues
(+7) The Viral Voice of a America
(+6) The War Of The Roses Bouquet
(+3) The Water Jet Boots Version Of Everything
(+6) The Yo Yo Cell Phone
(+2) There Is No Dark Matter, Really
(+1, -9)(+1, -9) There is no "I" in iPhone
(+5, -8) This Drop In Cholestorol Brought To You By The Superbowl
(+3, -1) To Wear, Or Not To Wear
 Tornado House Domes
(+2, -1) Total Unrecall
(+2, -1) Track Changes Edition
(+4) Trade Politicians for Sport
(-1) Traffic Column Motion Capture Device
(+4) TrainEd
(+9)(+9) Traveloscopy
(+3) Troll Rescue
(+6) Trollopedia
(+25, -1)(+25, -1)(+25, -1) Two Faced Nut Job
 Two Sided Coins
(+4, -2) UK Joins US
(+8, -1) UmbrellaNet
(+8, -3) Undo The Last 5 Minutes
(+3) Unmute Triggers
 URL Ringtones
(+3) Useless Chachkies I Already Own
(+2, -1) Value Subtracted Tax
(+4) Vi Vill Burry You
(+5) Video Door Bell Santa
(+2) Voccopiano
(+2, -3) Votus Ex Machina
 Walk A Mile In HIs Shoes
(+6, -2) Walking Geiger Counter
 Wall Mounted Speakerphone
(+6, -5) War On Error
(+3, -1) Water Chess
 Water Level Futures
(+2, -3) Way In Front Airbags
(+2, -1) Wealth Inequality Savings Heuristic Bonds
 Weekend on Gurneys
(+3) well, they've gone and done it
(+4) Where Is That Page
(+7) Where The Streets Have No Numbers
 Whole Life Home Insurance
(+3, -2) Why Put Up With The Full Moon
(+3, -1) WiFi Tithing
(+3, -2) Wind Powered Mars Rover
(+6) Wise Guy Waze
(+3, -2) Words Fail Market
 Work From Home Thermostat Feature
(+1, -6)(+1, -6) World's Most Wanted Flash Moment
(+3) Wrist Watch Slap on the Wrist
(+9)(+9) X-Pens
(+2, -6) XenoCart
(+3, -1) YardGrow
(+14, -1)(+14, -1) Yes, I'm Under A Cloud
(+5, -10)(+5, -10) You Complete Me
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) You Eat It, You Own It
(+6, -3) You, In Someone Else's Sitcom
(+3) You, In Your Own Vacation Pictures
(+4) You're Right!
(+7, -4) You Sank My Battleship
(+2) Your DNA, in Someone Else's Crime Scene
(+1, -3) Your Network Worth
(+4, -1) Your Ringer Is A Dead Ringer For My Ringer
(+7) Your Vermeer

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